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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - January 19, 1993 Page - 14 - <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) <br /> Jeff Abramson, Pacific Union Ventures, 1933 Davis Street, said this <br /> project is another great opportunity, such as Magnolia Lane, to do a <br /> re-use of a site. He said the area is bordered by houses on one side <br /> and industry on the other. He said this project was designed by the <br /> same architect and has the same quality of features but different site <br /> plans to suit the site. He said, when Magnolia Lane opened in November <br /> 1991 in the depths of the depression, people were sleeping in their <br /> cars in order to reserve homes. He said these homes will be in the <br /> $200,000-250,000 range and are desirable because they are closer in. <br /> Council Member Myers said the Planning Commission Report noted some <br /> concern with the furniture company adjacent to the property. Mr. <br /> Abramson said that, before buying this site, his company met with <br /> Umphred Furniture, the adjacent property. He said the sound report <br /> pointed out Umphred's had a piece of equipment that might be a problem <br /> as regards noise. He said it runs a couple of hours a day. He said <br /> Pacific Union has an agreement with Umphred's, giving Pacific Union <br /> permission to build an enclosure around the equipment, which will <br /> redirect the exhaust, decrease the noise, and improve the appearance of <br /> the equipment. <br /> Council Member Corbett asked if there would be a disclosure requirement <br /> related to the groundwater contamination. Mr. Abramson said they are <br /> currently working on such a disclosure statement. He said soil borings <br /> were done that went down to the groundwater. He said there are very <br /> low trace levels of PCE and PTE. He said some stainings were removed <br /> from the site. He said his company is concerned about having adequate <br /> disclosure regarding the groundwater and will be talking to the City <br /> about how they should go about this matter. He said, in addition, <br /> there will be a requirement in the CC&R's stating no wells may be <br /> drilled. <br /> Council Member Corbett asked the price of the units and if the School <br /> District knew about this project. Mr. Abramson said the price would be <br /> approximately $240,000. Mr. Penaranda said the Tentative Map had been <br /> sent to the District, and they had no comments. <br /> Council Member Kerr asked if the Conditions of Approval should require <br /> disclosure. Mr. Abramson said both the CC&R's and the purchasing <br /> agreement would require disclosure. Steve Meyers said the CC&R's would <br /> show up in the event of a title search. Mr. Penaranda read the <br /> Negative Declaration requirements for inclusion of statements related <br /> to groundwater in the CC&R's. <br /> Council Member Perry asked who would be responsible for monitoring the <br /> Condition regarding the well . Mr. Abramson said people must have a <br /> permit for installation of a well . Mr. Meyers said the City is <br /> ultimately responsible for enforcement of the Conditions of Approval <br /> for the project. <br />