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Minutes 1993 0503
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Minutes 1993 0503
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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - May 3, 1993 Page - 11 - <br /> NEW BUSINESS (continued) <br /> Jean Homer, 1091 Fargo Avenue, said she runs the snack bar at the <br /> Washington Manor Junior League. She said they expressed their concerns <br /> to the Commission, and the Commission suggested they conduct <br /> fundraisers, which they already do. She said they can't charge $10 <br /> more than they now do without giving the kids a uniform. She said the <br /> Washington Manor Junior League has helped finance improvements at <br /> Stenzel Park and is willing to take on more volunteer work. She said <br /> she thought the idea of a golf tournament, not just for one league, was <br /> a good idea. <br /> Jim Phillips, San Leandro Babe Ruth, said he shares the same concerns. <br /> He said he wants youths off the street and participating in healthy <br /> organizations. He said the additional fee would be a burden. He said <br /> the Recreation and Parks Commission did hold meetings with all of the <br /> groups, but they are already doing fundraising and don't want to see <br /> kids not able to be involved. <br /> Council Member Corbett asked what the typical costs were for the teams. <br /> Mr. Phillips said, in his organization, it is $60 a player, but the <br /> youth also have to come up with shoes and other costs. <br /> Marcie Dillon, San Leandro Bobby Sox, said people with two or three <br /> kids would have to pay an additional $20 to $30. She said some kids <br /> are involved in softball and soccer. She said fundraisers are not <br /> mandatory for parents, although they try to get them involved. <br /> Tom Brown, San Leandro Little League, said everyone is in financial <br /> straits. He said the Little League travels and plays against other <br /> cities, and the fields in other cities are not good. He said he feels <br /> $10 is a pittance to pay for the beautiful San Leandro fields. He said <br /> every city is hurting, and his league supports the $10 to keep San <br /> Leandro fields in condition. He said the San Leandro Little League is <br /> planning a major fundraiser to pay their share. <br /> Mayor Karp said the City has fine fields because of Denny, people <br /> working on them, and the cooperation of the people involved in the <br /> teams. He said there were in excess of 2,000 youths playing in youth <br /> sports. He suggested they all get together with Mr. Smith and the <br /> Recreation and Parks Commission to develop a happy medium and see what <br /> can be done. <br /> Council Member Perry said she likes the idea of a Youth Sports <br /> Foundation. She asked if the soccer and Pop Warner groups had been <br /> contacted. Mr. Nahm said they had not, but they came to the meetings. <br /> Council Member Perry mentioned the "Battle of the Bands" and. said a <br /> woman there was willing to do promotional activities for San Leandro <br /> High School , and perhaps such activities could also be conducted for <br /> the youth sports. She said service clubs could also be asked to <br /> donate. She said a better idea of costs is needed on the maintenance <br /> side. <br />
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