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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - May 3, 1993 Page - 9 - <br /> NEW BUSINESS (continued) <br /> Council Member Corbett said she would be interested in comparing <br /> whether other cities have help in prepping their fields. Mr. Smith <br /> said the fee is intended just to cover the cost of the fields, such as <br /> utilities, mowing, and general maintenance, but not prep costs. <br /> Council Member Corbett asked if there was anything in the proposal to <br /> decrease the fee for families who had several children participating. <br /> Mr. Smith said he would work with the leagues on this aspect. <br /> Council Member Kerr said he thinks this is a good idea; but, in some of <br /> the leagues, the leagues actually do most of the work. He asked if the <br /> figures were based on including umpires, grading the fields, etc. Mr. <br /> Smith said the fees were just for the fields themselves. <br /> Council Member Kerr said his main concern was trying to make the charge <br /> equitable. <br /> Council Member Polvorosa asked how many fields are provided now for the <br /> youth leagues. Mr. Smith said there are ten which the City maintains, <br /> mows, etc. , but the teams do the prep work. He said at the Ball Park <br /> there is a fee system in place if the teams want preparation, but that <br /> is the only place where there are fees for prep work and where the City <br /> does the work. <br /> Council Member Perry said the City has always had the philosophy of <br /> providing low-cost youth activities. She said she did not have enough <br /> information without looking at the total budget to make a decision. <br /> She said this would apply for exclusive use of fields and asked what <br /> fields would be charged. Mr. Smith said any time there was a permit <br /> involved where someone had the field set aside for their exclusive use <br /> there would be a charge, and this would cover all sports. <br /> Council Member Perry asked if the City had a breakdown of maintenance <br /> costs by facility or type of sport. Mr. Smith said he did not; and one <br /> reason was, for example, the Pacific High School site is a multiple-use <br /> facility with a number of sports and activities, so it is difficult to <br /> provide a breakdown for each sport. <br /> Council Member Perry said she had a problem with the charges being <br /> based on the number of participants versus a standard fee for a game or <br /> use of a facility. She said a standard fee would allow organizations <br /> to determine if they wanted to charge the individuals, get a sponsor, <br /> etc. She said she was concerned that the per-person fee sends a wrong <br /> message and would be hard to enforce. She said a lot of recreation <br /> programs have a resident versus a non-resident fee. She said she <br /> wanted to look at the total budget. <br /> Mr. Nahm said the Commission felt this type of fee allowed each <br /> individual league to know exactly what the charge would be, then they <br /> could plan fundraisers, etc. He said the fee is to cover annual <br /> operating expenses. <br />