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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - June 7, 1993 Page - 13 - <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) <br /> Council Member Faria asked what options, other than the utility tax, <br /> staff had in mind. Mike Oliver, City Manager, said he would expect <br /> that the City Council would want to go back to the Task Force <br /> recommendations. He said the Task Force prioritized the <br /> recommendations, and these fell below the line. He said, without any <br /> other mechanism in place, staff would assume this is what the Task <br /> Force and the community recommended and would come back with <br /> programmatic reductions. He said staff itself would not recommend <br /> these reductions, but these are what the Task Force saw. Mr. Jermanis <br /> said the State .has systematically removed about $700,000 annually from <br /> the City. He said the property tax loss is a permanent reduction, and <br /> the Utility Tax would be a permanent solution. <br /> Council Member Kerr asked, if the State takes more than $1 .5 million, <br /> would the utility tax become effective the month after passage of the <br /> State budget. Mr. Jermanis said it would. He said it would not <br /> terminate until the City Council took action to change it. <br /> Council Member Kerr asked how the City would know if sales tax revenue <br /> decreases. Mr. Jermanis said he will know after the close-out in <br /> August or September. He said he would expect to implement the utility <br /> tax based on a sales tax loss, only as a safety measure. <br /> Council Member Kerr asked if the utility tax would be stopped if sales <br /> tax goes up. Mr. Jermanis said staff would come back to the City <br /> Council . <br /> Council Member Corbett asked if the earliest implementation would occur <br /> when the State budget is passed. Mr. Jermanis said "yes," the State <br /> budget would be adopted by September; and the City will know about the <br /> property-tax shift. He said sales tax would be more delayed and would <br /> be based not on the 1992-93 close of books, but on the projection after <br /> that. He said this is a safety mechanism if sales tax continues to <br /> decline in 1993-94. He said the Council could rescind the utility tax <br /> at the end of 93-94. <br /> Council Member Faria asked a number of questions related to sales tax <br /> and how the level is calculated. Mr. Jermanis said, at this time last <br /> year, sales tax was almost $400,000 less than the preceding year. He <br /> said it could still be as much as $600,000, and that is why the <br /> Contingency Reserves were restored. <br /> Council Member Myers asked if the trigger is the 93-94 taxes over the <br /> 92-93. Mr. Jermanis said, if the closeout is $12.2 million, it <br /> triggers the Ordinance. <br /> Council Member Faria said the City did not know the sales tax for the <br /> last quarter of the fiscal year and asked how we could get a better <br /> handle. Mr. Jermanis said the Christmas season was flat, and what <br /> happened in January and February is crucial . He said last-quarter <br /> information will be available no later than October. <br />