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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - August 2; 1993 Page - 2 - <br /> PUBLIC COMMENTS (continued) <br /> Mr. Meyers said there was discussion about this matter in 1978, and the <br /> Charter Committee decided to include this language. Mr. Luciano said <br /> this meant that, if Council Members decided to quit two or three days <br /> before the end of their terms, they could run again. Mr. Luciano said <br /> a committee should be created to change the Charter. <br /> C. Whitey Harder, 91 Broadmoor Boulevard, said he was going to take his <br /> van away this evening and would probably tear it down. He said the <br /> Council is using the system and there are no safeguards. He said, <br /> speaking as a good citizen, he is only requesting that he be treated <br /> fairly. He said he has put out thousands of gripe sheets listing his <br /> problems, starting with the trees on his street. He said his street <br /> has been turned into a truck route, and he has been unable to obtain <br /> any assistance from the City. He said, when he is through with his <br /> surgery, the van will be back. <br /> D. Flo Walker-Lopez, 2136 - 102nd Avenue, said she lives in Oakland but <br /> spends a lot of time at the Marina. She said she does not like the <br /> parking at the Marina and thinks it should be on the diagonal instead <br /> of straight because it could accommodate more cars. She said she would <br /> like to see the bathrooms kept open one more hour. She said the <br /> restrooms now close at 8:00, and it is still light then and the park is <br /> still full of people. She also said she would like to see the Cherry <br /> Festival held at Chabot Park instead of downtown because there are lots <br /> of trees, seating, etc. , at Chabot Park. <br /> E. Lou Filipovich, 15376 Laverne Drive, spoke regarding City Council term <br /> limits. He said the City Council made an elected office an appointed <br /> office, and now they are coming into a gray area. He said an <br /> appointment was made because the City couldn't afford an election, but <br /> this is a gray area because Mayor Faria can run for Council again. <br /> Mr. Filipovich asked when New Business items could be discussed by the <br /> public. Mayor Faria said they could be discussed under Public <br /> Comments. Mr. Filipovich said there was not enough time under the <br /> three minute limit. Mayor Faria pointed out there was no three minute <br /> limit tonight. Mr. Filipovich questioned the July 19th Minutes and <br /> statements ascribed to him. The City Clerk explained the Minutes are <br /> not intended to be verbatim but are intended to give the best picture <br /> and flavor of what the speaker said. <br /> Mr. Filipovich said committees such as the Vision Task Force and the <br /> Marina Park Ad Hoc Advisory Committee and the Disaster Preparedness <br /> Committee do not represent the people of San Leandro. He said all the <br /> names should be put in a bowl and names drawn to participate on <br /> committees. The Vision Task Force recommended nine items related to <br /> disaster preparedness which were to be brought to the people, but five <br /> points were eliminated. <br />