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• Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - October 4, 1993 Page - 8 - <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) <br /> The City Council asked if there would be a walkway along the creek. Mr. <br /> Weisbrod said they are looking at the possibility, but the building will <br /> be on pylons so this may be difficult. <br /> The City Council has concerns regarding the shared parking and whether <br /> some of the parking across the street will be used for employees. Mr. <br /> Weisbrod said the original proposal was to lease parking in the City's <br /> Toler Avenue lot, but staff did not recommend this as a Condition <br /> because they would rather have the Applicant construct the building and <br /> determine what the parking demands are rather than lock the City into <br /> leasing parking. He said, based upon the current uses, the parking as <br /> proposed is adequate. He said there is not a lot of customer or <br /> employee traffic at these businesses. <br /> The City Council expressed concern regarding the exit onto the sidewalk. <br /> Mr. Weisbrod said the driveway, the pavement, and the sidewalk can be <br /> signed. He said most of the people parking in the. back lot are <br /> employees who are already aware of the situation and will take <br /> precautions. He said there haven't been any problems in the past and <br /> the wider driveway will permit a better view. He said more specific <br /> information on this would be in the Precise Plan. <br /> The City Council asked if lighting would be installed along the creek <br /> area. Mr. Weisbrod said this would also be part of the Precise Plan. <br /> The Hearing was then opened to the public. <br /> Keith Royster, Architect for the Project, said he agreed with all of the <br /> Planning Commission Findings and displayed a rendering of the building. <br /> Glenn Hilton, President of Best Manor Homeowners Association, Inc. , said <br /> Dale Reed had suggested a pipe be installed in the bridge railing for <br /> future lighting. Mr. Hilton said he is on a committee to put lights <br /> back on the bridge like they used to be. <br /> There being no further comments from the public, on motion of Council <br /> Member Myers, seconded by Council Member Kerr, and carried unanimously, <br /> the Public Hearing was closed. <br /> Council Member Corbett asked if conduit to light the bridge would be a <br /> required Condition. Mr. Weisbrod said none is required, but he will <br /> pursue this as part of the Precise Development Plan. <br /> • <br />