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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - January 18, 1994 Page - 12 - <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) <br /> The City Clerk noted a letter supporting the project had been received <br /> from Robert Canary, 2220 Davis Street, and a letter opposing the <br /> project had been received from Tamizon McNair, 2386 Davis Street. <br /> Jack Litke, the Appellant, said he owns the property next door and made <br /> a $1 million investment when he brought his business into San Leandro. <br /> He said he recruited the concrete specialty company that is a tenant on <br /> his property. He said the proposed project is the bulk handling of <br /> hazardous waste, not bulk petroleum products. He said Mr. Falcon, the <br /> Applicant, noted that this material is hazardous waste in the State of <br /> California. He said the hazardous nature of the business is being <br /> trivialized and obscured. He said he is sure spills will occur and <br /> noted recent spills on the Bay Bridge and involved in the recent <br /> earthquake. He said there is a need to have this type of business, but <br /> it should not. be located in a high-traffic area. He said the company <br /> is currently in a safe location in Oakland, which is very secure. He <br /> said Davis Street is very busy during the day, but there is no one <br /> there after dark. He asked Mr. Falcon if he could see the Oakland <br /> site, but Mr. Falcon said the address is not given out because, if <br /> people know where the site is, they have a tendency to dump materials. <br /> He said the location on Davis Street is a high-visibility area, and he <br /> has no doubt this type of problem will occur here. He said Mr. Falcon <br /> had characterized Davis Street as the armpit of San Leandro. He said <br /> Ms. Mattoon, of the Board of Zoning Adjustments, said there were not <br /> too many uses that work behind the sewage treatment plant. Mr. Litke <br /> said the site is a half mile from the treatment plant, and he can see <br /> many other uses which would be appropriate. He said the hazardous- <br /> waste site will impact property values and jeopardize existing <br /> businesses. He said, if he were to relocate again, he would not locate <br /> next to a hazardous waste site. He said the containment area is only <br /> inches from his property, and the concrete pad is experimental and can <br /> be impacted by an earthquake. <br /> Council Member Kerr asked what impact Mr. Litke felt this would have on <br /> his business. Mr. Litke said he is concerned about the effect it might <br /> have on the stone manufacturing company on his property, which wants to <br /> open a show room on the site. He said he does not feel the Applicant <br /> will do anything to improve the appearance of the property. <br /> Mr. Penaranda explained the improvements the Applicant plans to make. <br /> Mr. Litke said the material is being described as all oil , but some of <br /> it will include other material , and the drivers who pick it up are not <br /> testing every load. He said it could contain solvents, anti-freeze, <br /> etc. , and he is sure there will be an accident. <br /> Mayor Faria said staff and the Board of Zoning Adjustments said there <br /> is not a substantial enough hazard to justify denial . <br /> Mr. Litke said the holding tank is a truck and an earthquake could <br /> split the truck or the pad. He said he doesn't feel the hazard is <br /> minimal . He said he would like to have more time to explore the impact <br />