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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - April 4, 1994 Page - 8 - <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) <br /> Council Member Nahm repeated that he feels rest rooms are necessary. <br /> Mr. Simas said, if the Council insisted on rest rooms, he would want to <br /> be able to close them during the evening hours. He said most patrons <br /> are local , and they do not get very many requests for rest rooms. He <br /> said, when necessary, the employee rest rooms can be used by the <br /> public. <br /> Council Member Polvorosa said he was concerned because this was the <br /> only service station on a State highway. <br /> Council Member Nahm said it did not appear the Applicant minded <br /> increasing the stay of the patron, if patrons were going to spend money <br /> in the store, but not if they were going to use the rest rooms. <br /> Mr. Simas said they are not going to solicit more purchases than they <br /> make now. He said all of the things that have been proposed are to <br /> address queuing problems. He said they are trying to upgrade the image <br /> of the station, and he did not feel rest rooms would upgrade the image. <br /> Mr. Simas said he operates in nine communities, and none of his <br /> stations have public rest rooms. <br /> Council Member Corbett congratulated Mr. Simas on his interest in <br /> investing in the community. She said, because there are currently no <br /> rest rooms, it does not appear to her that this will pose a problem. <br /> She said she has seen many near misses with traffic incidents, and <br /> there is not additional space to stack cars on the lot, so she has no <br /> problem with the Planning Commission's recommendation regarding rest <br /> rooms. She thanked Mr. Simas for showing sensitivity to keeping the <br /> noise down, improving security, and providing for litter removal . She <br /> said she hoped the two-times-a-day litter removal would be a minimum <br /> amount. <br /> Council Member Perry noted the Conditions of Approval require a review <br /> period after six months, and the rest room issue could be reopened at <br /> that time. <br /> The Hearing was then opened to the public. <br /> Esther Holcomb, 694 Douglas Drive, said she lives close to the site, <br /> and her daughter uses the station frequently. She said traffic flow <br /> should be from San Leandro Boulevard onto Davis. She said she has seen <br /> a lot of near misses, and people back onto Davis to try to line up with <br /> the pump. She said it would be better if they entered from San Leandro <br /> Boulevard. Ms. Holcomb said she also felt rest rooms should be <br /> provided because this is the only 24-hour service station in the area. <br /> Lavern Anderson, 1495 - 159th Avenue, said he also felt the station <br /> should have rest rooms. <br />