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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - April 19, 1994 Page - 3 - <br /> Council Member Polvorosa thanked everyone for showing up tonight. He recognized <br /> all the people who worked for him and said they did a tremendous job. He <br /> acknowledged his mother, Rose Polvorosa; oldest daughter, Dawn Polvorosa; and her <br /> husband, Frank Reichert; youngest daughter, Nicole; and her husband, Leroy Maes; <br /> and, especially, his wife, Isabel . <br /> Council Member-Elect Garry A. Loeffler said this started a long time ago in a <br /> U.S. Government class in high school , with a teacher who encouraged him to have <br /> visions and dreams. He said he was grateful to everyone, including the students <br /> at San Leandro High who got involved in his campaign, to citizens in the <br /> community who volunteered to walk for him, and especially grateful to wife, <br /> Bonnie; sons, Brad and Brian; and daughter, Stacey. He thanked people for <br /> sharing his belief that we need to work together for a common vision for San <br /> Leandro, shared by schools and the business community. He thanked his friends <br /> who worked very hard behind the scenes and the children in his school . He said <br /> he is entering a new kindergarten phase of his life - he knows his ABC's but is <br /> not sure about the "P" word. <br /> Judge Peggy Hora administered the Oath of Office to Mayor-Elect: <br /> Ellen M. Corbett <br /> Judge Hora noted she swore Mayor-Elect Corbett in as a member of the State Bar <br /> of California, for her first term on Council , and now as Mayor. <br /> Mayor-Elect Ellen M. Corbett thanked everyone for being there to share the <br /> experience. She thanked the dozens of dedicated people who spent hours of their <br /> time walking precincts, phoning, licking stamps, and stuffing envelopes. She <br /> said she could not have done it without the love and dedication of her family: <br /> mother and father, Eveleen and Bill Corbett; sister, Mary; her cousins; and her <br /> brothers. She gave special thanks to the loves of her life: husband, Mark <br /> Boehme, and son, Ryan. <br /> Mayor-Elect Corbett said she did not have to look far for a theme for her <br /> presentation; she noted the City business card, which states "Proud of Our Past, <br /> Looking to the Future. " She said this is an appropriate statement for tonight, <br /> and she felt a lot of excitement for the challenges that lay ahead. She <br /> reflected on the accomplishments of the dedicated mayors who have come before <br /> her. Jack Maltester, Mayor for many years, brought industry and manufacturing <br /> to San Leandro, and, as former President of the U.S. Conference of Mayors, <br /> developed national contacts which made the marina and golf course possible and <br /> allowed us to develop a model shoreline. Val Gill , elected in 1978, took over <br /> after Prop 13, at a time when City finances were curtailed, and used his <br /> leadership to keep San Leandro fiscally solvent at a time of great challenge. <br /> He was also instrumental in bringing us the Senior Meeting Facility. She said <br /> Mayor Karp, elected in 1986, will be remembered as our transportation Mayor, <br /> among many other things. He shepherded important projects through the process, <br /> always making sure San Leandro was first in line for funding opportunities. She <br /> said she would remember him for his great energy and deep caring and commitment <br /> to San Leandro. She thanked Mayor Faria and said she will remember his gentle <br />