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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - May 16, 1994 Page - 7 - <br /> NEW BUSINESS (continued) <br /> The following Ordinance was then introduced: <br /> Ordinance No. 94-07, An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of <br /> San Leandro Adding Sections 4-11-660 and 4-11-665 to, Amending Sections <br /> 4-11-610, 4-11-620 and 4-11-630 of, and Renumbering Sections 4-11-660, <br /> 4-11-665 and 4-11-670 of Title IV, Chapter 11 of the San Leandro <br /> Municipal Code, Relating to Dangerous Dogs (expands definition of <br /> dangerous dog, modifies regulations related to hearings, and authorizes <br /> destruction of dangerous dogs or other conditions) . (1413/1000) <br /> Introduced by Council Member Myers, who moved that it be passed to <br /> print, seconded by Council Member Kerr, and carried by the following <br /> called vote: <br /> AYES: Council Members Galvan, Kerr, Loeffler, Myers, Perry, <br /> Polvorosa; Mayor Corbett ( 7 ) <br /> NOES: None ( 0 ) <br /> ABSENT: None ( 0 ) <br /> D. Matter of Appointments to a Committee to Study City Boards and <br /> Commissions. <br /> Minute Order No. 94-25. Matter of Appointments to a Committee to Study <br /> City Boards and Commissions. (1156) <br /> On motion by Council Member Kerr, who moved its approval , seconded by <br /> Council Member Loeffler, and carried by the following called vote, the <br /> City Council approved the appointment of Mayor Corbett and Council <br /> Members Polvorosa and Myers to a Committee to Study City Boards and <br /> Commissions. The committee will study the proposal to consolidate <br /> three City Commissions, look for ways to include additional people in <br /> the Commission process, and look at term limits. <br /> AYES: Council Members Galvan, Kerr, Loeffler, Myers, Perry, <br /> Polvorosa; Mayor Corbett ( 7 ) <br /> NOES: None ( 0 ) <br /> ABSENT: None ( 0 ) <br /> E. Matter of Receiving Public Input on Proposed Increase in the Utility <br /> Users Tax and Transient Occupancy Tax. The City Council will receive <br /> public input on these proposals. <br /> - Letter of opposition from Arthur G. Sherrell , Jr. , 404 East Merle <br /> Court. <br /> Mike Oliver, City Manager, presented the staff report. He said this <br /> item is a mechanism for the City Council to receive information from <br /> the public, in accordance with State law. On March 7th, the City <br /> Council directed staff to prepare the 1994-95 budget based on an <br /> adopted set of Budget Strategies. He described the Finance Committee <br />