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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - May 16, 1994 Page - 8 - <br /> NEW BUSINESS (continued) <br /> meetings utilized to develop the Strategies and the public input <br /> process at the meetings. He said the proposed budget will contain no <br /> new programs and only two new positions, both of which are police <br /> officers. He described the significant drop in sales and property tax <br /> in the last three years and the effect on the City's finances. He said <br /> it is also anticipated that the State will take additional property tax <br /> revenue from the City in November or December, and there are no new <br /> revenues to offset these reductions. He noted that $500,000 of sales <br /> tax revenue has been threatened by the potential loss of Costco. <br /> John Jermanis described the proposed increases in the Utility Tax and <br /> the Transient Occupancy Tax. He said the residential rate will <br /> increase from 5% to 6% to match the commercial rate and will also be <br /> applied to Cable TV bills. He said there is a $717,000 funding <br /> shortfall , despite a $1 .8 million reduction in expenditures, including <br /> elimination of 41 positions. He said a key element of the 1994-95 <br /> budget strategies is the proposed increase in the two Taxes, and he <br /> described the revenue that would be provided. He said the Utility Tax <br /> is collected via the individual utility company bills, and he described <br /> the average cost per individual . He said the City's Transient <br /> Occupancy Tax is currently 8%; recommended to be increased to 10%, <br /> which is the typical statewide rate. He said the Tax will go into the <br /> Marina Fund to help balance that fund. <br /> Council Member Myers noted these increases were recommended by the Task <br /> Force and the City Council Finance Committee, but were not implemented <br /> in 1993-94. He said the current recommendation is that the Taxes not <br /> be increased for the full year. <br /> Council Member Galvan noted reductions of $1 .7 million were made based <br /> on the Task Force recommendations. He asked for a report on which <br /> recommendations had been implemented and which had not. <br /> In response to Council questions, Mr. Jermanis noted that the Utility <br /> Tax fee is a percentage of utility bills, and would not be a flat fee <br /> but would depend upon the size of individual utility bills. He <br /> described his revenue projections for the end of the year but said <br /> final information would not be available until the end of August. He <br /> noted that, for all taxes paid in the City, businesses pay about two- <br /> thirds. He noted that homeowners pay large amounts of property taxes, <br /> but the City receives less than $100 per year for each home, and the <br /> State continues to take property taxes away from the City. <br /> Public Comments were then invited: <br /> 1 . Al Rosenga, 534 Parrott Street, President of Peralta Citizens <br /> Homeowners Association, said he shops for the least expensive hotel <br /> rooms, including the tax, and he feels if the City wants to attract <br /> people to hotels in San Leandro, the City should rethink the <br /> Transient Occupancy Tax, which could attract more business, which <br /> would offset a lower tax rate. <br />