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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - May 16, 1994 Page - 9 - <br /> NEW BUSINESS (continued) <br /> 2. Ellen Geis, noted she was only speaking for herself, not <br /> representing any homeowners' association. She said people did not <br /> see the large advertisement for the hearing in the Daily Review <br /> because many people do not take the newspaper. She said <br /> communication with homeowners should be improved. She said these <br /> assessments are getting around Prop. 13. <br /> The City Council asked questions and discussed various methods of <br /> getting information to the public. <br /> 3. Harry Lema, 15357 Inverness, protested the tax increase and asked <br /> what will happen next year when the shortfall doesn't disappear. <br /> He said this is right back to Prop. 13, and another ballot measure <br /> will be necessary. <br /> 4. Lou Fili.povich, 15376 Laverne Drive, said the homeowners' <br /> associations in San Leandro do not represent everyone, which is why <br /> there are not a lot of people at Council meetings. He said <br /> everyone should get the full Agenda packet. He said the two Taxes <br /> should be discussed separately. He said the Utility Tax is a <br /> property tax and businesses pass costs on to their customers. He <br /> asked if the money is going into the General Fund; staff said it <br /> will . He said it could not pass Prop. 62 or 13. He said the <br /> Transient Occupancy Tax is getting involved in rent control . <br /> 5. Paul Vargas, 872 Portola Drive, said the Council was converted to <br /> supply-side economics by reducing the rate at the parking garage, <br /> but they are now turning back by raising the Utility Tax. He <br /> agreed with Mr. Rosenga's statement regarding the Transient <br /> Occupancy Tax. <br /> 6. Dana Johnson, Farrelly Drive, said the hearing is preliminary <br /> because the majority of citizens don't have the budget to see what <br /> would be cut if $750,000 is eliminated. He said they cannot <br /> comment on whether they want the Tax or not if they don't know how <br /> it will affect the city. <br /> 7. Joseph Domino, 735 Williams Street, asked if the Utility Tax <br /> applied to apartments. Mike Oliver said it applies to all <br /> residential units. Mr. Domino referred to an article in the Daily <br /> Review and asked if the Tax applied to the Cable hookup to a house, <br /> even if the house doesn't use Cable. Mr. Jermanis responded that <br /> it applies to the Cable bills for service but is only applied if a <br /> house actually uses Cable TV. <br /> 8. Kai Bender, 261 Begier Avenue, said San Leandro is probably in a <br /> better situation than most cities because the tax rate is based <br /> more on business than on residential properties. He said, to be <br /> credible, there should be an annual review; and some of the <br /> increases should be taken back if the economic situation improves. <br />