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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - June 6, 1994 Page - 7 - <br /> NEW BUSINESS (continued) <br /> Bob Taylor, Public Works Services Director, referred to the April Work <br /> Session on this matter. He described the requirements for recycling - <br /> under Measure D, the way in which corporate limits were established, <br /> and the way in which funding is provided under the Measure. He noted <br /> the City has been working on a Materials Recovery Facility (MRF), but <br /> it would not be on line in time to meet the 1995 goals. He said, <br /> instead, staff recommends implementing curb-side recycling programs. <br /> He described the boundary adjustment for which approval by the <br /> Recycling Board will be requested. He said, if the City does not meet <br /> its 1995 goals, it would be subject to fines of $10,000 a day. He said <br /> the impact on City streets from recycling trucks would be minimal <br /> compared to those fines. He said under the conditions of Measure D and <br /> AB 939 there will be a decrease in tonnage going through the Davis <br /> Street Transfer Station. He said the City has no choice but to reduce <br /> the amount of garbage it sends to the Transfer Station. <br /> Council Member Perry asked what opportunities San Leandro residents <br /> would have for input and how the services that would be provided would <br /> be explained to the residents, and said she hoped the services provided <br /> to residents in the San Leandro and Oro Loma service areas would be <br /> equal . Mr. Taylor said there will be meetings with citizens and with. <br /> the City Council-appointed committee to develop options. He said a <br /> Town Hall Meeting would be scheduled, as well as a public hearing, to <br /> establish rates and the program. He said Oro Loma has a newsletter <br /> which will explain the program and will also be holding Town Hall <br /> Meetings and Public Hearings. <br /> In response to questions regarding potential scavenger problems, Mr. <br /> Taylor suggested staff look into an anti-scavenging ordinance for <br /> approval by City Council . <br /> City Attorney Steve Meyers referred to the Memorandum of Understanding. <br /> He said the City has previously considered extending its franchise <br /> agreement for garbage service to the Oro Loma service area. He said, <br /> in the Memorandum of Understanding, the City agrees not to take any <br /> action on that matter until 2003. He said this basically means the <br /> City will agree not to assert its franchise rights until after the <br /> expiration of the current Oro Loma Franchise in 2003. He noted that, <br /> at one point, the City Council adopted an ordinance that gives it the <br /> power to provide garbage service in the Oro Loma area. He said it is <br /> clear this matter would be subject to litigation. He said this became <br /> a deal point in the overall negotiations with the Oro Loma Sanitary <br /> District. <br /> Mike Oliver, City Manager, said the intention on Oro Loma's part was to <br /> keep the City from pursuing this matter. He said the City can still go <br /> through the courts to obtain the right to provide the service but <br /> cannot take any action until after 2003. <br />