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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - July 18, 1994 Page - 16 - <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) <br /> Council Member Loeffler asked questions regarding the environmental <br /> documents that were prepared, and asked why an environmental impact <br /> report was not required related to the traffic impact. <br /> Steve Meyers said the initial study indicated that although there would <br /> be traffic impacts, they could be mitigated to a level of non- <br /> significance for purposes of a negative declaration. <br /> Steve Emslie, Planning Manager, said the initial study was prepared for <br /> a proposal for Walgreen's without a street closure. He said under <br /> recent court decisions, if the street is closed, additional <br /> environmental review is required. <br /> Council Member Kerr, asked if DFSI fees could be used to reduce the <br /> traffic impact and how much DFSI would be collected for this project. <br /> Mr. Kruger said DFSI and AB 434 funds could be utilized. He said the <br /> traffic signal improvements should be made with or without development <br /> of Walgreen's. He said signal improvements on Bancroft Avenue would not <br /> be likely to offset the total traffic in the Walgreen's area and he <br /> recommended other improvements such as traffic circles, speed bumps, <br /> stop signs and the closure of Haas Avenue. Mr. Kruger also said the <br /> closure of Haas Avenue would result in an increase in traffic on Haas <br /> Avenue east of Karol Way but not west of Karol Way because traffic would <br /> still come from the apartment buildings. He said traffic from the <br /> houses east of Ramona would probably result in an increase of 200 to 300 <br /> cars per day on Begier Avenue. Mr. Kruger further explained how <br /> utilization of traffic barricades on Haas Avenue would impact traffic on <br /> other streets within the area. <br /> In response to questions, Mr. Kruger said this type of use is considered <br /> high in terms of traffic generation. He said, as East 14th Street <br /> develops into more intensive uses, additional traffic will be generated <br /> and traffic mitigation measures will need to be implemented in the <br /> entire north area. <br /> Susan McCue, Economic Development Coordinator, responded to questions <br /> regarding marketing of the site. She said the commercial brokers have <br /> marketed the site over the last eight years. She said there are <br /> inherent development problems to be overcome, such as finding a business <br /> with deep enough pockets to develop the site. She said a developer must <br /> also be willing to be the first development in an unproven retail area. <br /> She said the office market is dead, financing is difficult, and a <br /> prospective developer must have $600,000 to $1,000,000 to make this site <br /> feasible. <br />