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Minutes San Leandro City Council Meeting December 19, 1994 Page 10 <br /> NEW BUSINESS (continued) <br /> The following Motion was then introduced: <br /> Minute Order No. 94-58, Matter of Reorganization of City Manager's <br /> Office Staffing. <br /> On motion by Council Member Polvorosa, who moved its approval , seconded <br /> by Council Member Galvan, and carried by a majority vote (7) , the City <br /> Council approved retention of the Executive Assistant position; <br /> approved retention of the Administrative Secretary position currently <br /> filled by Denice Moughon; and approved the addition of a part-time <br /> position to support the Economic Development Program. <br /> F. City Council Reports on Outside Agencies. <br /> 1 . Council Member Myers said members of the City Council and the <br /> Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors have identified a number of <br /> large businesses and are calling on them to see what can be done to <br /> assist them. He said the feedback has been positive, and the City <br /> Council and Chamber realize they must take care of existing <br /> businesses. He suggested Council Members may like to participate <br /> in some of the visits. <br /> 2. Council Member Perry reported on a number of outside agency <br /> meetings and activities: <br /> - East Bay Division of the League of California Cities met with new <br /> Assembly members and discussed the needs of cities and shared <br /> perspectives. <br /> - ABAG General Assembly discussed issues regarding amendments to <br /> the State Constitution. <br /> - Regional Innovative Homelessness Initiative - She was asked to <br /> serve by HUD Undersecretary Agnos and will send information to <br /> the City Council . <br /> 3. Council Member Kerr attended a Congestion Management Agency meeting <br /> at which it was emphasized that studies, programs, planning, etc. , <br /> should be corridor-wide. He said the I-880 Intermodal Study <br /> Committee is looking at ramp metering and improving traffic flow in <br /> cities and on freeways. Council Member Kerr said Oakland is using <br /> traffic humps successfully to control speed, and San Leandro should <br /> look into it. <br /> 4. Mayor Corbett reported on the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment <br /> Authority and said she took the Alameda Naval Air Station tour. <br /> She said there is a lot of opportunity for reuse of the base, but <br /> it has an aging infrastructure, and there are no funds to retrofit <br /> it. <br />