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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - January 21, 1992 Page - 11 - <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) <br /> • <br /> Vern Hesseltine, 715 Dutton Avenue, thanked the City Council and the <br /> City Manager for the questionnaire and the Financial Plan. He said the <br /> questionnaire responses stated that people want to keep San Leandro <br /> safe, keep existing services, and attract new businesses and residents. <br /> He said he is not thrilled with the additional costs any more than <br /> anyone else but recognizes the 'problems faced by the City. He said <br /> there is already evidence of businesses leaving the area and the City <br /> must provide quality services in order to attract businesses. He said <br /> problems cannot be wished away or ignored and said the City Council <br /> should approve the Financial Plan. <br /> Anne Howell Dean, 2614 Marineview Drive, said she was concerned the <br /> assessment would be continually raised. She spoke regarding utility <br /> taxes which have been increased. She said if she had to charge her <br /> tenants for the increases she would not because they cannot afford to <br /> pay what they do now. She said there are a number of seniors in San <br /> Leandro and young people are buying out of town. She did not see why <br /> the City needed these additional costs. <br /> Dick Marshall , 15014 Wengate Street, commended the staff and the City <br /> Council on putting together this Plan. He said the Plan addresses most <br /> of our problems but as a Recreation and Parks Commissioner he was <br /> concerned about loss of facilities for young people. He said loss of <br /> facilities will result in an increase in graffiti , muggings, etc. He <br /> said the Council should consider reducing staff in the City Manager's <br /> Office by eliminating the Assistant City Manager position. He said <br /> most of the people in San Leandro live in pre-Proposition 13 homes and <br /> they can afford the $60 per year assessment. <br /> John Rucker, 232 Lexington Avenue, said too many copies of the <br /> Financial Plan were sent out and it cost too much. He said the City <br /> Manager should take a 4% cut in salary. He said he agreed with Mr. <br /> Leigh's letter and feels it represents the feelings of the majority of <br /> people in town and said the assessment should go on the ballot. <br /> Manuel Ramos, 941 Thornton Street, said he has lived in San Leandro for <br /> 71 years. He said he is on a fixed income and his wife is ill . He <br /> said the City Council picks on seniors and that they closed the street <br /> that goes through to BART. He said he was against the Financial Plan. <br /> Larry Smith, 958 Arguello Drive, said he sees a need in a couple of <br /> years for a tax but it should be a vote of the people. He said the <br /> Fire Department should be able to undertake the Disaster Plan with <br /> existing staff. He said he feels the 800 MHz radio and the <br /> neighborhood disaster supplies are needed but a mobile command center <br /> is not needed. He said we should look at what is really needed, not <br /> what we would like, and this matter should go on the ballot. <br />