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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - March 16, 1992 Page - 11 - <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) <br /> there would be no lease to trucking operations, and Mr. Texeira is now <br /> unhappy because Mulford Gardens objects to proposed operations that <br /> would mean moving equipment down Williams Street, starting at 5:00 a.m. <br /> and moving all day, including Saturdays and Sundays. He said he feels <br /> the property owners could find some I-P tenants if they were not trying <br /> to lease the entire property out to one company. He said Mr. Texeira <br /> has been turned down for rezoning by the Planning Commission and staff <br /> has recommended against it. He said his group hopes the City Council <br /> will reject the request for rezoning. <br /> Ms. Jones, 2660 Williams Street, said she has been a resident since <br /> 1955. She said she has no complaints about the neighborhood. She said <br /> she is not disturbed by any noises and sleeps well , even during the <br /> day. <br /> William Carrish, 13025 Neptune Drive, Representing San Leandrans for <br /> Reasonable Growth and the Shoreline Property Owners Association, said <br /> they are all against rezoning the property to I-2. He said he felt <br /> what he and Mr. Norry had to say would not make any difference because <br /> the City Council has made up its mind. He said he did not feel this <br /> was a matter of lost revenue, rather, these are millionaires who are <br /> losing money. He said he feels the City Council will vote in favor of <br /> the people with money in San Leandro. <br /> Jeff Wise, 2079 Charlotte Avenue, said he does not think citizens are <br /> being well represented and that is why they had to get signatures to <br /> rescind action taken by the City Council . He said he opposes the <br /> rezoning because it will have a negative impact on the residential <br /> area. He said people in the west part of town see impacts like this <br /> all the time. He said there is .a trailer-storage facility behind his <br /> property and there are no problems now, but he is concerned that <br /> something like West Gate could move into that area and cause problems. <br /> He said, although he does not live near the subject property, he feels <br /> a similar change for his area would cause problems. He said a sensible <br /> land-use policy in prior years could have prevented problems like this <br /> now. He said west San Leandro is a zoning nightmare. <br /> In response to a question from the City Council , June Catalano said <br /> staff could come back to the City Council in May with a rundown on all <br /> of the property in the area. <br /> The City Council and staff discussed the history of the subject <br /> property and said it had been rezoned to I-P in approximately 1983. <br /> They viewed overhead slides that showed the zoning of the areas <br /> surrounding the subject property. <br /> Council Member Santos said in 1984 the City Council did not approve the <br /> possible extension of Williams Street to Davis Street as a roadway to <br /> the airport. He said the problem with the use of the land goes back to <br /> 1984 when the City was precluded from putting Neptune Drive in from <br /> Williams to Davis Street. He said if a traffic mitigation plan had <br />