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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - March 16, 1992 Page - 12 - <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) <br /> come into effect in 1984 we would not be having this discussion <br /> tonight. He said a compromise could not be reached with the neighbors, <br /> and it was predicted this would happen tonight. He said the land <br /> owners are being deprived of the opportunity to develop their property. <br /> Council Member Glaze asked if the new Zoning Code would involve the <br /> rezoning of properties in the area. <br /> Steve Emslie, Planning Manager, said the new Zoning Code, which would <br /> be coming to the City Council soon, would involve changes to text. The <br /> changes to zoning would not be proposed for another six to eight <br /> months. <br /> Mayor Karp said the I-2 zoning, as proposed in the new Zoning Code, <br /> will give the City more control and will provide review of front <br /> setbacks, landscaping requirements, etc. <br /> Steve Meyers said, if the property were rezoned to I-2 now, it would <br /> only be required to meet the I-2 Conditions and no additional <br /> Conditions could be placed on the property. Mr. Meyers also said, if <br /> the City Council approves the rezoning of the property, the property <br /> could be developed with any use permitted under the existing I-2 <br /> zoning, but Conditions could not be imposed. He said the Applicant has <br /> an approved Planned Development on file, but if the property is rezoned <br /> the Applicant would not be required to meet the Conditions of the <br /> Planned Development. Mr. Meyers said a Specific Plan, as recommended <br /> by staff, would give the City Council and staff some flexibility; but <br /> the Zoning Code, itself, is very rigid. <br /> Council Member (aria said the property owner has tried to rent the <br /> property under the existing I-P zoning and has been unable to because <br /> of the restrictions. He said too many good uses for the property have <br /> been lost, and the City should be looking for business not driving it <br /> away. He said this is a good spot for light manufacturing under the I- <br /> 2 zone. <br /> Council Member Santos said there is still a need to find another access <br /> road to the area, but there are tremendous costs involved. <br /> Norm Weisbrod, Associate Planner, described some of the changes that <br /> have taken place on Neptune Drive, including the industrial park <br /> constructed by Reynolds and Brown. He said a small parcel on the west <br /> side of the street, which was zoned I-2, was developed and rented to I- <br /> P standards. He said Rolando Lumber bought Paradiso Construction, <br /> completely refurbished the building, took out the pavement, and put in <br /> new landscaping. He said Mr. Texeira put in a new warehouse building <br /> to replace the one that was damaged by fire and also put in new <br /> landscaping across the frontage of the building and at the rear, as <br /> well as new street lighting, and is in the process of leasing out <br /> spaces in the building. <br />