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Minutes 1992 0416
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City Council
Minutes 1992 0416
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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - April 16, 1992 Page - 8 - <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) <br /> He thanked the many contributors to the process, including the Planning <br /> Commission, Board of Zoning Adjustments, . Zoning Code Advisory <br /> Commission, and thanked the many volunteers, including Associated <br /> Homeowners Association, Inc. , and their review committee. He <br /> particularly thanked Al Rosenga and Howard Kerr for the historical data <br /> which they will be incorporating into the Code. <br /> Mayor Karp noted this process started about four years ago and <br /> thousands of hours have gone into making this a quality, user-friendly <br /> product. <br /> Mr. Emslie said this has been a collaborative effort, and it has been <br /> a joy to work with the citizens who assisted staff and provided <br /> meaningful comments. He thanked Kathleen Livermore of the Planning <br /> Department for her efforts above-and-beyond her duties. <br /> Council Member Santos asked why the Negative Declaration said "no" <br /> regarding the impact on a number of items and asked why none of them <br /> said "maybe, " such as change in pattern, scale or character, land use, <br /> population, transportation, etc. Mr. Emslie said this Negative <br /> Declaration has been prepared for the approval of text only. He said <br /> the maps will require a separate environmental review, at which time <br /> there might be impacts. <br /> Council Member Faria said this document is much easier to read than the <br /> first document. He said he has looked at a number of the problems that <br /> need to be corrected and wonders what will happen to the zones that <br /> will be eliminated as a result of the new zones. For example, he asked <br /> what would happen to the C-4 Zone because it does not fit into any of <br /> the commercial zones. <br /> Mr. Emslie said staff would go through the process and would notify <br /> everyone in an area that is going to be re-zoned that it would be <br /> changed, and they would give property owners a right to comment. He <br /> said the decision would ultimately be made by the City Council as to <br /> whether specific zones should be kept or eliminated. He said everyone <br /> will be given notice if their zoning is going to be changed. He said <br /> this will take at least six months. He said a lot of the City will be <br /> covered rapidly, but there may be a number of high-density areas that <br /> will be tricky, such as the T Zones. He said these matters would have <br /> to go before both the Planning Commission and the City Council . He <br /> said if someone thinks property should stay as it is currently zoned <br /> and the City Council concurs, then that wording would be incorporated <br /> into the document. <br /> Council Member Corbett asked how the Code would deal with areas, such <br /> as the North Area Specific Plan Area, that do not mesh with Zoning Code <br /> wording. <br />
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