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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - July 6, 1992 Page - 17 - <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) <br /> that the Applicant apply for a Planned Development. He also described <br /> the circumstances under which Site Development Subcommission review and <br /> approval would be required for a commercial use of the site. <br /> Mayor Karp said the Zoning Code requires 11 off-street parking spaces <br /> unless the City Council changes it. <br /> Council Member Perry asked if there are any other three-story <br /> developments in the area. Mr. Weisbrod described developments on Haas <br /> Avenue, Bancroft/Dolores, Clarke Street, Davis Street, and the downtown <br /> area, and said that many of them were Planned Developments. <br /> Council Member Corbett noted that many multi-family units replaced <br /> previous residential uses and did not go from commercial to residential . <br /> Mayor Karp said there is no height restriction in the C-2 Zone. <br /> Mr. Weisbrod showed overheads of the site, described some of the <br /> amenities proposed, such as high ceilings and fireplaces, and described <br /> the proposed tree plantings. <br /> Mayor Karp noted that the trees would only grow to 25 feet, not 41 feet <br /> as shown on the plan. <br /> Mr. Weisbrod described typical floor plans, private balconies, setbacks, <br /> the central courtyard, and the number of units per floor. <br /> Mayor Karp said the zoning for the site permits multi-residential . He <br /> said the issue is whether or not a 36-unit condominium is desired. <br /> Council Member Polvorosa noted he had met with Mr. Fors and his wife and <br /> toured the site but said it would not influence his decision. <br /> Mayor Karp said he had received some correspondence from the developer. <br /> Council Member Perry said she had told the Fors' she could not meet with <br /> them. <br /> The Hearing was then opened to the public. <br /> Sherry Selover, 1250 Cloverleaf Drive, Monrovia, said she and her <br /> husband own the site. She said the property has been in her family for <br /> 46 years. She said her parents bought it and operated Hansen's Feed and <br /> Fuel for 25 years, then retired and leased the property three different <br /> times. She said, when Evergreen Nursery announced they would be leaving <br /> the site, they had about a year to decide what to do with the site. She <br /> said it would cost upwards of $200,000 to repair the earthquake damage <br /> to the unreinforced-masonry building, so rehabilitation was not <br /> practical . She said they attempted to sell the site and worked with <br /> local brokers but did not receive any viable offers. She said they then <br /> hired a local land-use consultant who recommended residential <br />