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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - July 6, 1992 Page - 18 - <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) <br /> development as the best in today's market. She said no one evidenced <br /> any interest in a commercial development because of the center-block <br /> location of the site, the fact that it's on a one-sided street, the low <br /> traffic count, and very little foot traffic. She said they met with <br /> John Klein, as well as Planning and Building staff, Greg Tung from <br /> Freedman, Tung and Bottomley, and the Planning Commission. <br /> Jonathan Cohen, Architect for Mr. Fors and Ms. Selover, said he followed <br /> the parking ratios in the North Area Specific Plan. He said these <br /> ratios are different from the Zoning Code but are in the North Area <br /> Plan. He said the height of the building is 41 feet to the midpoint of <br /> the hipped roof, but half of the building has a flat roof which is 25 <br /> feet high. He said the variation in the roof heights is an <br /> architectural feature. He said each story is 10 feet high and the <br /> podium is five feet above grade. <br /> Council Member Corbett asked if there is a North Area Specific Plan <br /> height limit. Mr. Cohen said the Plan allows four stories plus a podium <br /> for a height of 50 feet. He said this is a high-quality design for <br /> first-time buyers and will set a strong precedent for good design in the <br /> future. He said the impact of residential is more benign than <br /> commercial due to less traffic and noise and greater screening and <br /> security. He said it is appropriate to put multi-family housing on a <br /> commercial street and to provide infill housing rather than build on <br /> ridges and wetlands. He said there is always some resistance to change. <br /> He described the facade, the depressed garage, the variation of roof <br /> heights, color, scale, projecting bays, etc. He discussed the 35' rear- <br /> yard setback and proposed screening. He said the project meets all the <br /> guidelines of the North Area Plan. He described amenities for seniors <br /> and said it fills the vision of the Specific Plan. <br /> Mr. Cohen responded to a number of questions from the City Council . He <br /> said landscaping would screen the views from bay windows and balconies <br /> into the rear yards of adjacent homes. He said there would be views <br /> over the freeway and toward the hills and limited bay views from the <br /> top-story units. He said, if there were no North Area Plan, the maximum <br /> density would have been 30 units. He said the North Area Plan guides <br /> developers toward a vision. He said the underlying C-2 zoning permits <br /> 43 units per acre. <br /> Council Member Myers asked if it was correct that two Planning <br /> Commissioners told Mr. Cohen to appeal . Mr. Cohen said he spoke to two <br /> Commissioners, and one of them told him he should appeal . <br /> Mrs. Selover noted the support of the residents who live directly behind <br /> the site. She said commercial uses cause problems with security. She <br /> said one of the concerns that had been stated was that all of MacArthur <br /> Boulevard would develop as residential , but she noted this was one of <br /> the few sites that is big enough to support residential . She said the <br />