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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - August 17, 1992 Page - 10 - <br /> NEW BUSINESS (continued) <br /> Council Member Faria asked how many "yeses" on a Negative Declaration <br /> constitute the need for the preparation of an Environmental Impact <br /> Report. Mr. Silva said the Negative Declaration identifies areas of <br /> concern that may need possible attention. <br /> Council Member Faria felt the "noes" regarding mud slides and other <br /> soils conditions should be changed to "maybe. " Mr. Silva said there is <br /> no evidence of any problems in the area. <br /> Council Member Faria said sometimes the problems do not become evident <br /> until after the project is under way. Mr. Silva said this parcel was <br /> created as part of the existing subdivision and there was no evidence <br /> of sliding or other problems at that time. <br /> Council Member Perry said she was concerned regarding the questions <br /> related to utilities, water, and the East Bay MUD policy on sloping and <br /> plant and animal life. She asked how the City was making "no" <br /> assumptions instead of "maybes. " <br /> Mr. Silva said it has been required that the developer hire a wildlife <br /> biologist to investigate the area. He said, regarding water usage, the <br /> developer has proposed a lot split that is consistent with all State <br /> and local regulations. It was noted that a Geotechnical Report had <br /> been included as part of the Negative Declaration. <br /> Mayor Karp said it appeared the slope of the property was greater than <br /> 20%. <br /> Loong-Fah Lu, the Applicant, 26 Highland Avenue, Piedmont, said he <br /> agreed with the staff report but would like to reserve closing <br /> statements. <br /> Richard Van Tuyle, 2122 Harborview Drive, said he has done work on <br /> Edgehill Court and contacted Mr. Lu regarding slippage of soil around <br /> the swimming pool from the property above onto Mr. Lu' s property. He <br /> said he feels the property is very unstable. He said he has seen this <br /> type of problem before, and he doesn't want to see the City take <br /> responsibility for this type of problem. He said he feels there will <br /> be a lot of concerns and noted problems in other areas. <br /> Chester Griffin, 2027 Edgehill Court, said he lives right above this <br /> property. He said there is wildlife that lives on the parcels, and he <br /> said he is concerned about the eucalyptus trees. He said the root <br /> systems are embedded, and he feels if the trees are removed there would <br /> be problems. He said he had cleared weeds off his property and noted <br /> that the soil in the area is very loose. He said there are drainage <br /> problems across the street every year, and the City must empty out the <br /> drainage ditches. He said he feels the soil in this area is the same <br /> as that behind the hospital . He said he did not attend the City <br /> Council meeting to stop the building of the homes, but he wanted to <br /> make sure that the existing homes would be safe. <br />