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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - October 21, 1991 Page - 13 - <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) <br /> B. A-91-2; Amendment to Zoning Code; to Apply the IS (Interim Study <br /> Overlay) Zone to the Area Generally Known as the "Peralta Study Area" <br /> and More Specifically Described as Bounded by San Leandro Creek on the <br /> South, the Southern Pacific Railroad on the West, the Oakland City Limit <br /> on the North and the Easterly Line of Park Street and San Leandro <br /> Boulevard on the East (Planning Commission Resolution of Intention 4- <br /> lla-91) (establishes IS District for Peralta Study Area, which will <br /> provide for review and approval of development in the above-described <br /> study area for a two-year period) . <br /> This being the time and place for the Public Hearing on the above <br /> matter, Martin Vitz, City Planner, said the matter before the City <br /> Council was the action of the Planning Commission establishing the IS <br /> (Interim Study Overlay) Zone for the Peralta Study Area. <br /> He described the boundaries of the Study Area. He said it came to the <br /> City's attention two years ago that there was a possibility of change <br /> in land use of the nursery property in the area. He said the City <br /> undertook an economic analysis to determine whether or not redevelopment <br /> in the area would generate sufficient funds to provide water and sewer <br /> service, as well as the improvement of Peralta Avenue and possibly <br /> Alvarado Street for access to the site. He said the Fire Department <br /> investigated the status of storage tanks in the area and determined that <br /> most of the tanks had either been removed or that there would not be <br /> major costs involved with their removal . He said the Study was expanded <br /> to look at land uses, and the area was expanded to include the Park <br /> Street Island, which is part of the North Area and has some development <br /> and service problems. He said there are a number of issues involved <br /> in this complex area, so it is recommended that a process be utilized <br /> for reviewing any proposed changes. He said the IS Zone was established <br /> in the Zoning Code, and it was recommended that it be applied to this <br /> Area. He said the Study would identify land-use and development issues <br /> for the Peralta Area, including appropriate land uses, types of access <br /> or alignment changes, infrastructure needs, and design and appearance <br /> standards. He said once the IS Overlay District was established, a Use <br /> Permit would be required for any significant, new or expanded uses <br /> within the Area. He said under the IS District findings must be made <br /> in addition to basic findings that the proposed use doesn't fall within <br /> the scope of issues being reviewed under the Study. He said the IS <br /> District contains a two-year termination date, in accordance with State <br /> law; but if a property is developed sooner, the IS Overlay can be <br /> removed. He said the District also provides that applications that have <br /> been denied because of the IS Overlay can be resubmitted after the <br /> Overlay has been superceded by a new zoning district. <br /> Mr. Vitz said Nathan Smooke, the owner of the property known as the <br /> Modern Mode Property/Smooke Property, had asked that his property not <br /> be included in the IS Zoning Overlay because his property is currently <br /> tenanted. He said the Planning Commission felt it should be included <br /> and that was their recommendation. <br />