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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - November 18, 1991 Page - 12 - <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) <br /> trucks move in, park and move out as quickly and quietly as possible. <br /> He said given the financial climate, if Best is forced to vacate the <br /> property they might consider moving out of San Leandro. <br /> Bill Kerry, one of the property owners at 1791 Neptune Drive, said he <br /> has talked to the neighbors to get their opinion of how the Best <br /> operation is run. He produced a packet of letters from business people <br /> in the area saying that Best is a desirable operations for that <br /> neighborhood. <br /> Council Member Santos noted he has known Mr. Kerry for a number of <br /> years and has had two recent conversations with Mr. Kerry on this <br /> matter but was not familiar with the facts or issues at that time. <br /> Mr. Kerry noted the number of improvements that had been made to the <br /> property since Best has moved into it. In response to questions from <br /> the City Council , Mr. Kerry said he was aware of the terms of the <br /> Letter of Agreement. Council Member Santos said there should be <br /> another entrance into Neptune Drive other than Williams Street, and <br /> there is potential access from Polvorosa. He said he felt the Park <br /> District would have an interest in such an access. He asked if Mr. <br /> Kerry and the other businesses in the area would be willing to discuss <br /> the idea. Mr. Kerry concurred. <br /> A representative from Ruan Leasing Company said they operated at the <br /> site with Best but they vacated because they were unable to meet the <br /> requirements of the Letter of Agreement and moved their operation to <br /> Stockton. <br /> David Hoffman, 333 Market Street, San Francisco, spoke for East Bay <br /> Leasing Company on Neptune Drive. He said he wanted to go on record as <br /> supporting the Appeal . He said the operation is extremely clean, <br /> enhances the esthetics of the area, does not make any excess noise, and <br /> does not interfere with other businesses on Neptune. He said the <br /> employees are courteous and polite. He said Best cooperates with other <br /> businesses in the area. He said small businesses are the economic <br /> backbone of the community, and the fact there are six 1-2 sites <br /> available in San Leandro shows businesses are leaving San Leandro. He <br /> asked that the City Council not make Best relocate. <br /> Mrs. Jones, 2660 Williams Drive, said she lives at the corner of <br /> Neptune Drive and has been there since 1955. She said she has never <br /> heard any truck noise and sleeps wonderfully. She said she only has <br /> problems with airplanes. She said she has tried to improve her <br /> property and the people who complain about property looking <br /> unattractive should take care of their own properties first. She said <br /> she was in favor of Best' s Appeal . <br />