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Minutes 1991 1118
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City Council
Minutes 1991 1118
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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - November 18, 1991 Page - 13 - <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) <br /> Mayor Karp asked Larry Norry, Mulford Gardens Improvement Association, <br /> and Mr. Kerry to approach him. After a brief discussion, Mayor Karp <br /> said he had proposed to them that an alternative street off of <br /> Polvorosa be considered. He said Mr. Norry did not agree with this <br /> idea. <br /> Testimony on the Public Hearing then continued. <br /> Larry Norry, Mulford Gardens Improvement Association, submitted a <br /> letter from Oyster Point Business Association saying they were unable <br /> to support the Appeal . Mr. Norry said his complaint in this matter is <br /> truck traffic in the nighttime hours but also the early morning hours <br /> between 3:00 and 6:00 a.m. He said he had submitted a list to the City <br /> showing two to six violations a day. He said he has gone through a lot <br /> of agony trying to better the neighborhood. He said there are at least <br /> 10 trailers located at the site in the evenings and they are all gone <br /> before 6:00 a.m. , which indicates they are violating the conditions of <br /> the Letter of Agreement. He said this happens every day of the week. <br /> Council Member Glaze said there is no question that there are <br /> violations. He asked if Mr. Norry saw any way to resolve this problem <br /> other than shutting the Company down. Mr. Norry said Best could move <br /> into an I-2 location. He said this has been going on since 1989, not <br /> just since the arrangements with Coca-Cola changed. Mr. Norry said <br /> Chris Tyler, Oyster Point Business Association, had told Mr. Kerry he <br /> could not back the Appeal . Mr. Norry also read a letter from John <br /> Sellars saying he approved the Appeal if the Applicant complied with <br /> the limits of the Letter of Agreement. Mr. Norry said there are nine <br /> homes on Williams Street. He said the Best trucks do not go out on <br /> Polvorosa Street now. He said eight of the nine residents oppose the <br /> Appeal and have for over two years. <br /> Ed Strange said he is a driver for Best. He said as a driver for Best <br /> he tries to come down the street as easily and quietly as possible and <br /> not usually the whole length of the street. He said he is trying to <br /> make a living. <br /> Lydia Gaudinier, Neptune Drive, said the area on Neptune Drive between <br /> Marina Boulevard and Williams Street is supposed to be no trucks and is <br /> also supposed to be 25 miles an hour. She said trucks go down the <br /> street all the time and park there constantly. She said vehicles speed <br /> and the street is not safe. <br /> Mayor Karp asked what she thought about the idea of a street going <br /> through to Polvorosa. She said truck drivers would not use it. <br /> Jeannette Rodgers, Terminal Manager for Best Transport, Inc. , said <br /> their drivers are told not to go down Neptune Drive. She said she <br /> knows they do not park on Neptune Drive. She said in 1989 Best had <br />
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