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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - November 18, 1991 Page - 18 - <br /> CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS (continued) <br /> Mayor Karp said it was his understanding that Roger's Trucking was also <br /> concerned regarding the requirements for a handicapped ramp and rest <br /> room as part of an expansion plan. City Manager Dick Randall said he <br /> would follow up on this matter. <br /> B. Council Member Santos requested that someone look into the matter of <br /> the rebuilding of Walt's Gym. <br /> C. Council Member Corbett said she is an Alternate to the Waste Management <br /> Authority and sits on the Hazardous Waste Committee. She said the <br /> County's Hazardous Waste Management Plan is scheduled to come before <br /> the City Council on January 6, 1992. She said the Plan was submitted <br /> to the State in 1989 and was denied along with a number of other plans <br /> because there was a dispute over inclusion of the fair-share process, <br /> etc. She said the Hazardous Waste Committee has been going over the <br /> Plan and has covered the disagreements from the State as well as <br /> responded to comments from the public. She said they now have a Plan <br /> they feel will gain State approval and will come before the City <br /> Council on January 6, 1992, for the Council 's comments. <br /> D. Council Member Corbett asked for a status report on the City's paper <br /> recycling program. <br /> E. Council Member Perry noted the City was presented a certificate of <br /> recognition at the Fuller Lodge opening. <br /> F. Council Member Perry said she attended the Home-Alone Program at the <br /> Library. She said 159 parents and children attended and there were <br /> also a number of children who attended the child care that was provided <br /> during the Program. She said it was a very good presentation. She <br /> said when the City looks at cuts they should not just look at across- <br /> the-board cuts but should consider the number of clients we serve for <br /> the number of dollars. <br /> G. Council Member Perry discussed the ABAG Executive Board's Platform on <br /> Regional Growth Management for the San Francisco Bay Area. She said <br /> the ABAG General Assembly delegates would be meeting on November 21st <br /> to consider adoption of the Platform. She discussed the Tri-Valley <br /> Council Plan proposed by the cities of Danville, Dublin, Livermore, <br /> Pleasanton and San Ramon, and said their Plan was an alternate proposal <br /> to the ABAG Platform. She said the Tri-Valley Council Plan would be <br /> presented at the General Assembly meeting, and that she was in favor of <br /> the Plan. She said she is afraid if cities just say no to the ABAG <br /> proposal , without proposing an alternate plan, it will become a media <br /> circus, and the implication will be that the cities cannot agree on <br /> anything. She said there are still four other groups making proposals. <br /> She said the Tri-Valley Plan provides needed time for cities to review <br /> and comment on the ABAG proposal . She asked for City Council <br /> concurrence for her to vote in favor of the Tri-Valley Council Plan. <br />