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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - February 5, 1990 Page - 6 - <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS: <br /> a. Matter of Ordinance Establishing a Mitigation Program for Potentially <br /> Hazardous Unreinforced Masonry Buildings, pursuant to the Requirements of <br /> State Law. <br /> This being the time and the place for the public hearing on the above matter, <br /> Blaine Brassfield, Chief Building Official , discussed the State's earthquake <br /> predictions and said there is a one-third chance of a 7.5 earthquake along <br /> the Hayward Fault in the next 20 years. He said the State has identified <br /> certain buildings as having a history of poor performance in earthquakes and <br /> that unreinforced masonry buildings are included. He said the State gave <br /> local jurisdictions options for programs to deal with these buildings and <br /> he described various retrofitting options. He said the proposed Ordinance <br /> provides a time line and minimum standards for seismic safety which satisfy <br /> the intent of State requirements and provides a subjective means of reducing <br /> hazard to the public. He said it is not possible to tell how much it will <br /> cost to retrofit each building until engineering evaluations have been done <br /> on each building. <br /> Bill Rugg, Community Development Director, said this is a serious issue and <br /> unreinforced masonry buildings pose major potential earthquake hazard. He <br /> said although the City recognizes the financial hardship which may be <br /> involved to property owners and tenants, the City has an obligation to see <br /> to the safety of its citizens. He discussed a proposed plan which could <br /> include four basic kinds of City consultation and assistance to property <br /> owners, including structural analysis, financial advice, design consultation <br /> and building development assistance. He said that such a program could be <br /> finalized and brought back to the City Council at a future date. The City <br /> Council asked a number of questions related to the number of buildings on <br /> the list of unreinforced masonry buildings, when some sort of assistance <br /> program as described by Mr. Rugg could be in effect, and what financial <br /> assistance might be available from other agencies. <br /> The hearing was then opened to the public. <br /> Leonard Jensen, Russ Avenue, noted problems with the hillside above <br /> Physicians' Hospital . <br /> Bob Hanscom, Hudson ISC, San Leandro Boulevard and Washington Avenue, said <br /> his facility contains 8-10 interlocked structures used in the production of <br /> pencils. He said he is concerned with the time line for preparing plans for <br /> retrofitting. <br /> Frank Bisimenti , Engineer for ICS, said he feels there should be a provision <br /> for the testing to be done in accordance with architectural standards and <br /> also questioned the matter of continuous inspection. <br />