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Minutes - San Leandro City' Council Meeting - November 19,1990 Page - 6 - <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) <br /> The Hearing was then opened to the public. <br /> Dan Gray, representing Reynolds and Brown, the developer, 2336 Merced Street, <br /> reviewed the history of the construction of Phase I and the related widening <br /> of Marina Boulevard. He described various issues considered in the design <br /> • of Phase II . He then introduced Terry Flynn, the Architect for Phase II . <br /> Ms. Flynn said Phase II completes and complements Phase I ; the materials <br /> used in construction are identical and, in designing this phase, every effort <br /> was made to ensure that these buildings would have four attractive sides. <br /> She described the types of design techniques that had been utilized to make <br /> the site attractive. <br /> The City Council asked questions regarding the use of banners and flags and <br /> the lighting plan for the site. They asked the architect to describe her <br /> professional background and describe what she sought to accomplish when <br /> designing a shopping center. The City Council also asked questions regarding <br /> the restaurant proponent for Building I . <br /> David Freedman, representing Strings, Inc. , 2880 Sunrise Boulevard, No. 108, <br /> Rancho Cordova, said he was the proponent for the restaurant and was very <br /> excited to come to San Leandro. He said he has restaurants in Sacramento <br /> and Pleasanton, the menus are reasonably priced and appealing to families, <br /> and the food quality is consistently good and healthful . He said Reynolds <br /> and Brown had recently invited members of the community to meet him and <br /> sample his food, and they all appeared to be pleased with the results. Mr. <br /> Freedman indicated that the 3,000-square-foot restaurant would have a seating <br /> capacity of 90 seats. <br /> Larry Norry, 2532 Williams Street, said he would miss Pacific High School , <br /> but he was looking forward to his next pasta dinner at the restaurant. <br /> There being no further comments from the public, on motion of Council Member <br /> Santos, seconded by Council Member Perry and carried unanimously, the Public <br /> Hearing was closed. <br /> On motion of Council Member Polvorosa, seconded by Council Member Glaze and <br /> carried unanimously, the City Council approved PD-88-5. <br /> b. A-90-4; Reclassification, Rezone from I-2 (General Industrial ) District to <br /> I-P (Industrial Park) District; 900 Doolittle Drive; Assessor's Parcel Number <br /> 77A-649-18-2; Joseph Zatkin. <br /> IC` This being the time and place for the Public Hearing on the above matter, <br /> Associate Planner Norm Weisbrod said the applicant had developed the property <br /> with two separate buildings paralleling Doolittle Drive which were designed <br /> to accommodate small tenant spaces ranging from 1,000 to 2,700 square feet. <br /> The applicant is requesting rezoning from the I-2 (General Industrial ) <br /> District to the I-P (Industrial Park) District because, due to its attractive <br />' design, the development is attracting I-P-type users. Some of the existing <br />• uses of the property are a newspaper distribution center, aircraft parts <br /> sales, and computerized telephone systems. <br /> The Hearing was then opened to the public. <br />