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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - November 19, 1990 Page - 8 - <br /> r <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) <br /> He said the Conditions of Approval require that the Springlake Drive driveway <br /> be reviewed in six months and, if considered a hazard, the applicant would <br /> • be required to remove it and install new curbs, gutters, sidewalks and <br /> landscaping. Council Member Perry also asked questions related to provisions <br /> for on-site loading and unloading and the impact on on-site traffic <br /> circulation. Mr. Weisbrod said unloading is done by the tenants themselves <br /> in their own vans, with an occasional UPS-van delivery. Council Member Perry <br /> expressed her concern about the types of uses that would occupy the building <br /> and related parking requirements. Mr. Weisbrod indicated that certain other <br /> uses, such as a restaurant or a convenience store, would require conditional - <br /> use approval . <br /> • <br /> Council Member Corbett asked additional questions regarding the location of <br /> the Springlake Drive entrance and how vehicles would be prohibited from using <br /> r- it as an exit, parking ratios, the types of tenants that would occupy the <br /> center, and the amount of pedestrian traffic that would be generated from <br /> Lakeside Village. <br /> There was considerable additional discussion related to the driveways, <br /> deliveries, and traffic circulation. <br /> The Hearing was then opened to the public. <br /> Jerry Kler, the project architect, 1306 Bridgeway, Sausalito, said it would <br /> be easier to build the Springlake Drive driveway now and remove it later, <br /> than to try to build it later. He also stated centers of this small size <br /> never have loading docks, but he thought his client would be willing to <br /> restrict deliveries during certain hours. <br /> Council Member Santos asked what types of tenants the center was trying to <br /> attract. Mr. Kler said dry cleaning operations, video stores, dress shops, <br /> and laundromats. He said a convenience store was out of the question in <br /> that there was a deed restriction on the property that prohibited the sale <br /> of liquor. <br /> Linnard Lane, La Mancha Development Co. , 100 Webster Street, Oakland, said <br /> a deed restriction was placed on the property by the previous owner, Friedkin <br /> and Becker Associates, who still own and manage the Lakeside Village <br /> properties. He also said he was aware of the City Council ' s concerns about <br /> the Springlake Drive driveway from the previous application, but the driveway <br /> on Springlake Drive is critical to the center. He said he felt a review of <br /> the driveway in six months would serve the City Council 's purpose. He also <br /> noted that the square footage of this project is less dense than the last <br /> proposal for the site. <br /> Council Member Perry asked whether the applicant would consider installing <br /> spikes in the Springlake Drive driveway to prevent its use as an exit. She <br /> also asked what criteria would be used to determine whether the driveway was <br /> a hazard. City Attorney Steve Meyers said the Traffic Engineer had already <br /> established criteria in two areas: (1) a review of the accident history <br /> related to the driveway, and (2) any problems with a continuous backup of <br /> traffic on Springlake Drive related to use of the driveway. He said a third <br />