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1.5 Compliance with Program Requirements. Borrower agrees that at all times its acts <br /> regarding the Project and the use of the HOME Funds shall be in conformity with all provisions of <br /> the HOME Program including the statues, rules and regulations and such policies and procedures of <br /> HUD and the State of California pertaining to the HOME Program, including without limitation, <br /> those described in Article IV of this Agreement. Borrower acknowledges that it is familiar with such <br /> applicable provisions and has been professionally advised to the extent necessary for the purpose of <br /> enabling Borrower to fully comply with such provisions. <br /> I.6 Use of Funds. Borrower shall use the HOME Funds only for costs eligible under the <br /> HOME Program Regulations incurred for the construction of the Project. Such costs shall only be <br /> for work approved by the City at the time of project set-up under the HOME Program or later <br /> approved in writing by the City if a modification of the scope of work is necessary. Any expenditure <br /> that is not authorized by this Agreement or that is found to be ineligible under the HOME Program <br /> Regulations,as determined by the City,shall be disallowed. Borrower agrees that it will not use the <br /> HOME Funds in violation of Section 4.3 below. <br /> 1.7 Performance and Payment Bonds. In accordance with the HOME Program <br /> Regulations and the Standard Agreement,the Borrower and/or the construction firm undertaking the <br /> actual general contracting duties shall provide security to assure completion of the Project by <br /> furnishing the City and any construction lenders with Performance and Payment Bonds issued by a <br /> reputable insurance company licensed to do business in California, each in a penal sum of not less <br /> than one hundred percent(100%) of the scheduled cost of construction of the Project. The bonds <br /> shall name the City as an obligee. In lieu of such performance and payment bonds,subject to City's <br /> approval of the form and substance thereof, Borrower may submit evidence satisfactory to the City <br /> of the contractor's ability to commence and complete construction of the Project in the form of an <br /> irrevocable letter of credit, pledge of cash deposit, certificate of deposit, or other marketable <br /> securities held by a broker or other financial institution,with signature authority of the City required <br /> for any withdrawal, or a completion guaranty in a form and from a guarantor acceptable to City. <br /> Such evidence must be submitted to City in approvable form in sufficient time to allow for City's <br /> review and approval prior to the scheduled construction start date. <br /> 1.8 Scope of Project. Borrower agrees to complete the development of the Project in <br /> accordance with the scope of work approved by the City and described in Exhibit E attached hereto. <br /> The scope of work shall be completed in accordance with the time frame established in the notice to <br /> proceed that will be issued for the Project. <br /> 1.9 Regulatory Agreement. The Borrower shall execute, and pledges to operate the <br /> development in compliance with, a Regulatory Agreement substantially in the form attached as <br /> Exhibit A which shall restrict the Project for occupancy by Very Low- Income Households at <br /> affordable rents(as more particularly described in the Regulatory Agreement)for twenty(20)years. <br /> The Regulatory Agreement shall be recorded in the Official Records of Alameda County. <br /> 1.10 Disbursement of Funds. The City shall disburse HOME Funds to reimburse the <br /> Borrower for Project construction costs as provided in Section 1.6 subject to satisfaction of the <br /> conditions set forth in this Section 1.10 and in Section 1.10.1. Not more than once per month, <br /> Borrower shall submit to the City a written requisition for payment accompanied by invoices, <br /> evidence of completion, and such additional documentation as City may reasonably require. The <br /> 2220130.1 Page 5 <br />