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Borrower incurred in the ordinary course of business;expenses for security services;advertising and <br /> marketing costs; payment of deductibles in connection with insurance claims not paid from reserves; <br /> tenant services; the amount of uninsured losses actually replaced, repaired or restored and not paid <br /> from reserves;cash deposits into an operating expense reserve in such amount reasonably approved <br /> by City or required by the holder of an Approved Senior Loan,but only if the accumulated operating <br /> reserve does not exceed six(6)months'projected Project operating expenses,reasonable commercial <br /> and retail reserves if required by the holder of an Approved Senior Loan, other reserve account <br /> deposits required pursuant to Approved Senior Loans, cash deposits into reserves for capital <br /> replacements in an amount no more than$600 per residential unit per year or such greater amount as <br /> reasonably required by the holder of an Approved Senior Loan or Borrower's investor limited partner <br /> or as required by a physical needs assessment prepared by a third-party selected or approved by City <br /> and prepared at Borrower's expense;an annual bond issuer fee(if required to be paid by Borrower in <br /> connection with the financing of the Project),and other ordinary and reasonable operating expenses. <br /> Payments to Borrower, its partners or affiliates in excess of the limitations set forth in this Section <br /> shall not be counted toward Annual Operating Expenses for the purpose of calculating Surplus Cash. <br /> 1.2.4 Exclusions From Annual Operating Expenses. Annual Operating Expenses <br /> shall exclude the following: developer fees and interest on any deferred developer fees (except as <br /> permitted pursuant to Section I.2.3);contributions to Project operating reserves(except as permitted <br /> pursuant to Section 1.2.3); debt service payments on any loan which is not an Approved Senior <br /> Loan, including without limitation, unsecured loans or loans secured by deeds of trust which are <br /> subordinate to the Deed of Trust (unless the City agrees otherwise in writing); depreciation, <br /> amortization,depletion and other non-cash expenses;expenses paid for with disbursements from any <br /> reserve account;(except as permitted pursuant to Section 1.2.3); any amount paid to Borrower,any <br /> general partner of Borrower, or any entity controlled by the persons or entities in control of <br /> Borrower or any general partner of Borrower. Notwithstanding the foregoing limitation regarding <br /> payments to Borrower and related parties;the following fees shall be included in Annual Operating <br /> Expenses,subject to applicable limitations set forth in Section 1.2.3 above,even if paid to Borrower, <br /> an affiliate of Borrower, or a partner of Borrower: fees paid to a property management agent, <br /> resident services agent,or social services agent; partnership management fees,developer fees,asset <br /> management fees, and subject to Section 1.2.5, repayment of cash advances by Borrower or its <br /> partners to cover Project operating expense deficits or emergency cash needs of the Project or to <br /> cover other expenses permitted pursuant to Section 1.2.3. <br /> 1.3 Use of Reserves. Borrower shall fund Project operating expense and replacement <br /> reserves in the amounts set forth in Section 1.2.3. Draws from such reserves shall be used only for <br /> the purposes for which such reserves were established. Draws from replacement reserves shall be <br /> used only for capital improvements to the Project and shall be subject to City approval. <br /> 1.4 Term of Agreement. The term of this Agreement shall commence upon the date of <br /> execution hereof, and this Agreement will remain in full force and effect through and including the <br /> date which is fifty-five(55) years following the date of recordation of the Regulatory Agreement, <br /> unless terminated earlier pursuant to the terms of this Agreement.The Developer may also terminate <br /> this Agreement without fault by providing notice to the City of such termination prior to Developer's <br /> commencement of construction in the event the Developer determines that the Project is infeasible. <br /> 2220130.1 Page 4 <br />