File Number: 14-207
<br />Retail Sales. The retail sale of merchandise not specifically listed under another use classification.
<br />This classification includes, but is not limited to clothing stores, consignment stores, and
<br />businesses retailing the following goods: toys, hobby supplies, handcrafted items, gift items, jewelry,
<br />books, cameras, photographic supplies, music media records, videos, compact discs, laser discs,
<br />cassettes, sporting goods (excluding uses where gun and ammunition sale are the primary use - see
<br />Gun or Weapon Shop definition ), kitchen utensils, hardware, antiques and vintage clothing stores,
<br />art supplies and services, musical instruments, supplies, and services, office supplies, and bicycles.
<br />This use is currently allowed in all Commercial Districts. Staff proposes that Retail Services
<br />should be allowed through an Administrative Review (AR) process in the IL, IG, IP, IL(AU),
<br />IG(AU) and IP(AU) Districts where it is currently Not Permitted (-).
<br />Retail Services
<br />Staff recommends that the definition for Retail Services be changed in order to allow for tattoo
<br />studios to be regulated as a personal service, where it currently is only allowed as a Tattoo
<br />Parlor with a Conditional Use Permit in the SA-1, SA-3, and CC Districts. The Board of Zoning
<br />Adjustments, after an in-depth discussion of this proposal and presentation of various options,
<br />fully supported this proposal, per the attached Excerpt of the Board of Zoning Adjustments
<br />Meeting Minutes of April 3, 2014.
<br />Proposed amended definition:
<br />Retail Services. Provision of services of a personal nature. This classification includes barber and
<br />beauty shops, tattoo studios, seamstresses, tailors, shoe repair shops, dry cleaning businesses
<br />(excluding large-scale plants), photocopying, and self-service laundries. Retail Services excludes
<br />coin-operated self-service laundries and coin-operated dry cleaning businesses.
<br />Staff proposes Retail Services should be allowed through an Administrative Review (AR)
<br />process in the IL, IG, IL(AU) and IG(AU) Districts where it is currently Not Permitted (-).
<br />Tobacconist/Cigarette Stores and Tobacco-related Products
<br />The Zoning Code definition for Tobacconist /Cigarette Stores should be amended to include
<br />“tobacco-related products” and a new definition proposed for Tobacco -related Products that
<br />will explicitly list all products related to tobacco and nicotine use should be adopted. Staff
<br />proposes that such uses should be allowed with a CUP, but only in the SA-1, SA-3, and CC
<br />Districts. (Please note that tobacco and cigarette stores have additional locational
<br />requirements to maintain a 1,500-foot separation from sensitive uses such as schools and
<br />parks.) No changes are proposed to the corresponding zoning districts for
<br />Tobacconist/Cigarette Stores.
<br />This new definition will also clarify that an e-cigarettes store will be considered a
<br />Tobacconist/Cigarette Store.
<br />Definitions:
<br />Tobacconist/Cigarette Stores. Businesses devoted primarily to the sale of tobacco -related and
<br />Page 12 City of San Leandro Printed on 5/27/2014