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3C Presentation 2014 0616
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Packet 2014 0616
3C Presentation 2014 0616
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PowerPoint 3C Presentation 2014 0616 General Plan
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San Leandro General Plan Update Communications and Outreach Plan Page 5 of 14 <br /> Focus Groups (Stakeholder Meetings). Focus groups, made up of representatives from the <br />community at large and representing diverse interests, may be convened to gather <br />feedback on specific topic areas such as transportation, housing, recreation and economic <br />development. At minimum, a Housing “Roundtable” will be convened in July 2014 to seek <br />input on the Housing Element from for-profit and non-profit developers, housing advocates, <br />and social service providers. In addition to topical focus groups, there may also be more <br />free-flowing discussions about the future of the city for specific demographic groups, such <br />as seniors, youth, or those speaking another language. <br /> <br /> Involvement of other City Commissions. In addition to engaging the Planning Commission, <br />the project team will engage other City Commissions. Many of those serving on these <br />Commissions are subject matter experts on topics germane to the General Plan. For <br />example, a Recreation and Parks Commissioner would have more knowledge than the <br />average resident about parks and open space in the City, and a Youth Commissioner might <br />be better able to weigh in on the effectiveness of youth-oriented programs and services. <br />Outreach to Commissions will generally consist of an initial “briefing” on the General Plan <br />followed by periodic report-backs on regular Commission agendas. At least one study <br />session each would be held with the Recreation and Parks Commission (on parks policies), <br />the Senior Commission (on senior services and facilities), the Rent Review Board and Human <br />Services Commission (on housing), and the Library-Historical Commission. <br /> <br />In addition, several study sessions with the Board of Zoning Adjustments may be held to <br />solicit general input on land use, community design, and housing issues, as well as Plan <br />implementation. <br /> <br /> Outreach to and involvement with the High School Academies. The team will consider <br />developing a short video in collaboration with the SLAM Academy, or providing background <br />information and a survey or other interactive experience with the Social Justice Academy, <br />should it fit within the project time frame and school procedures. The team will place a <br />special emphasis on outreach to the Youth Advisory Council to generate interest in the <br />project and ensure that the perspectives of younger San Leandro residents are represented. <br /> <br />Internal Communication. Much of the “visible” focus of the outreach strategy will be to <br />external public stakeholders; however, City staff is a key component of this update. There will <br />be internal processes to distribute information to City staff and keep them informed of the <br />project. Outreach to staff will take place through one -on-one “fact-finding” meetings, which <br />will be necessary to collect information as part of the Plan and EIR, and also through larger <br />meetings such as the monthly management meetings convened by the City Manager. The <br />latter meetings will be important so that department heads and senior staff members are <br />aware of cross-cutting issues, policy matters which affect multiple departments, and the <br />perspectives of their peers in making decisions on growth, capital improvements, and service <br />improvements. <br /> <br />
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