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Coin-Operated Laundry and Coin-Operated Dry Cleaning Businesses. Any dry <br />cleaning or laundry establishment that provides self-service machines or is not attend- <br />ed. <br /> <br />Commercial Filming. Commercial motion picture or video photography. <br /> <br />Commercial Parking Facility. Lots offering short-term or long-term parking to the pub- <br />lic for a fee. <br /> <br />Commercial Recreation. Provision of participant or spectator recreation or entertain- <br />ment. This classification includes amusement parks, bowling alleys and ice/roller skat- <br />ing rinks with spectator stands, golf courses, miniature golf courses, and scale-model <br />courses. <br /> <br />Communications Facilities. Broadcasting, recording, and other communication ser- <br />vices accomplished through electronic or telephonic mechanisms, but excluding Utilities <br />(Major) and Telecommunication antennas and towers as defined in this Code, [Section <br />4-1686: Wireless Telecommunications Facilities {as per Ordinance No. 98-009}]. This <br />classification includes radio, television, or recording studios; telephone switching cen- <br />ters; and telegraph offices. <br />Community Gardens. A site that occupies less than 1 acre for non-commercial <br />raising for family or community use of vegetables, berries, trees, fruits, vines, <br />flowers, ornamental trees or shrubs. Crops from community gardens are limited <br />to personal or group consumption, or for donation, only. Community Garden us- <br />es may include communally-managed gardens. Community Gardens may be the <br />principal or accessory use. Community Gardens may not grow cannabis or any <br />other federally-controlled substances. Such use may not keep bees or any other <br />animals unless allowed by Chapter 4-11 of the San Leandro Municipal Code. <br />Concertina Wire. See “Razor/Barbed Wire.” <br />Conditional Use Permit. A use that may locate in certain zoning districts provided <br />it will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, and welfare and will not im- <br />pair the integrity and character of the zoned district. The Board of Zoning Ad- <br />justments either approves subject to conditions or denies such uses. Each ap- <br />plication is considered on its individual merits. <br /> <br />Conditionally Permitted. Permitted subject to approval of a conditional use permit or <br />temporary conditional use permit. <br /> <br />Condominium. An estate in real property consisting of an undivided interest in common <br />in a portion of a parcel of real property together with a separate interest in space in a <br />residential, industrial, or commercial building on the real property, such as an apart- <br />ment, office, or store. A condominium may include, in addition, a separate interest in <br />other portions of the real property. <br />Exhibit A: Proposed Amended Article 3 Page 11 <br />Note: underline and bolded text represents new text; strike-through text represents text to be eliminated