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<br />Emergency Health Care. Facilities providing emergency medical service with no provi- <br />sion for continuing care on an inpatient basis. <br /> <br />Entertainment Events Activities. Regulations pertaining to Entertainment Events Ac- <br />tivities, defined as a use classification by this Code, apply to the following events activi- <br />ties where they occur on a scheduled basis more than six (6) three (3) or more days <br />during a calendar year on the site of any permitted or conditionally permitted use, ex- <br />cluding events activities for the non-profit, charitable or educational proposes of public <br />or private institutional uses. Entertainment events are further defined as events ad- <br />vertised as a stand-alone event with a set start or end time, or where separate <br />admission is charged. <br /> <br />A. A musical, theatrical, wrestling, dance recital, cabaret, or comedy act performed by <br />one (1) or more persons, regardless of whether performers are compensated; <br /> <br />B. Any form of dancing by patrons or guests at a business establishment not other- <br />wise regulated as either a “Dance Hall” or an “Instruction and Improvement Ser- <br />vices” use classification; <br /> <br />B.C. A fashion show, except when conducted within an enclosed building used pri- <br />marily for the manufacture or sale of clothing; <br /> <br />D. Any form of recorded entertainment using amplified recorded music, such as kara- <br />oke systems; <br /> <br />D.E. Televised events. or with such features as “big screen” projection systems. <br /> <br />Equipment Sales. The sale of large products for commercial and industrial use, e.g. X- <br />ray machines, photocopy machines, etc. <br /> <br />Establishment of an Adult-Oriented Business. As used herein, to establish an adult- <br />oriented business shall mean and include any of the following: <br /> <br />A. The opening or commencement of any Adult-Oriented Business as a new business; <br />B. The conversion of an existing business, whether or not an Adult-Oriented Business, <br />to any Adult-Oriented Business defined herein; <br /> <br />C. The addition of any of the Adult-Oriented Businesses defined herein to any other <br />existing Adult-Oriented Business; <br />D. The relocation of any such Adult-Oriented Business; or <br /> <br />E. The expansion of the floor area of an existing Adult-Oriented Business by twenty- <br />five percent (25%), or more. <br /> <br />Exhibit A: Proposed Amended Article 3 Page 18 <br />Note: underline and bolded text represents new text; strike-through text represents text to be eliminated