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• Develop planning level layouts of the two alternatives <br /> • Prepare estimates of the probable cost of construction for the two <br /> alternatives defined above <br /> The City of San Leandro shall provide the following: <br /> • Copies of available plans for the Neptune Lift Station, discharge force <br /> main and appropriate gravity sewer lines as well as any other utility <br /> drawings for those facilities that might be impacted by the rehabilitation of <br /> this facility <br /> • Right-of-entry that might be necessary for the geotechnical investigation <br /> and survey work <br /> • Copies of available operational records (e.g., daily pump run records) for <br /> the Neptune Lift Station <br /> • Topographic survey of lift station site including property lines. <br /> SCHEDULE <br /> See Exhibit A-1 included for project schedule. <br /> Deliverables <br /> Consultant shall provide the following deliverables associated with Task 1: <br /> • Calculations used for pump selection <br /> • A geotechnical report required for the design of the new lift station <br /> alternative that also addresses the potential of VOC contamination of the <br /> soil <br /> • A preliminary project layout for each of the two alternatives showing the <br /> rehabilitated pump station, existing utilities, utility relocations, and other <br /> required improvements <br /> • Preliminary estimates of the probable cost of construction of both lift <br /> station alternatives <br /> • A draft Preliminary Design Report that summarizes the above items, <br /> including recommended alternative <br /> • A meeting with City staff to review the draft Report <br /> • A final Preliminary Design Report, incorporating comments from City staff <br /> on the draft report. <br /> MEETINGS <br /> One progress meeting with City of San Leandro Engineering and Transportation <br /> Department to review draft report. <br /> TASK 2: PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS <br /> Purpose <br /> 12/28/98 Page 2 of 5 <br />