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B. The Premises shall not be used for the storage of merchandise <br /> held for sale to the general public. No commercial cooking for public sale shall <br /> occur within the Premises. <br /> C. Prohibited Use: Without limiting the foregoing, Tenant shall not <br /> do, and shall use its best efforts to prevent anything being done in or about the <br /> Premises or bring or keep anything therein that will in any way conflict with any law <br /> which may now or hereafter be enacted, or create a nuisance or commit or suffer to <br /> be committed any waste upon the Premises, or use or allow the Premises to be <br /> used for any unlawful purpose. No fire-arms or any explosive materials shall be <br /> stored or kept within the Premises at any time. <br /> 6. OTHER LEASE PROVISIONS: This lease, and any amendments <br /> hereto shall be subject to the approval of the City Council for the City of San <br /> Leandro. <br /> Tenant shall not use or permit the Premises, or any part thereof, to be <br /> used for any purposes other than the purposes set forth in Paragraph 5 of this <br /> Lease. Tenant shall not perform any act, which will cause a cancellation of any <br /> insurance policy covering the Premises or any part thereof. <br /> Tenant, at Tenant's expense, shall comply with all laws, rules, orders, <br /> ordinances, directions, regulations, and requirements of federal, state, county and <br /> municipal authorities, now in force or which may hereafter be in force, which shall <br /> impose any duty upon Landlord or Tenant with respect to the use, occupation or <br /> alteration of the Premises. Tenant further understands and agrees to be responsible <br /> and comply with 42 USC Section 12101, et seq., (the "Americans with Disabilities <br /> Act") within the leased Premises, as well as with all similar state laws, including but <br /> not limited to California Government Code Section 12900 et seq., (the "Fair <br /> Employment and Housing Act") and California Civil Code Section 51 et seq., (the <br /> "Unruh Civil Rights Act"). Tenant's failure to comply with any such law, ordinance, <br /> rule or regulation shall constitute a material breach of this Lease. Tenant shall not <br /> create a public or private nuisance on the Premises, or allow any sale by auction <br /> upon the Premises, or commit or suffer to be committed any waste upon the <br /> Premises. <br /> 7. UTILITIES, WASTE MANAGEMENT AND PARKING: Tenant shall pay <br /> for all utility costs attributable to its use of the Premises, whether on a pro rata basis, <br /> or by separate meter. Tenant shall comply with all of Landlord's orders and <br /> directions related to Tenant's waste management, composting and recycling within <br /> the Premise. <br /> A. Tenant understands and acknowledges that parking spaces, <br /> except for those designated for specific City vehicles, within the San Leandro Civic <br /> Center in both the North and South Lots are available on a first come, first serve <br /> basis. No parking spaces in the San Leandro Civic Center shall be for the exclusive <br /> 5 <br />