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8C Consent 2014 0915
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Packet 2014 0915
8C Consent 2014 0915
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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Staff Report
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City of Oakland <br />The City of Oakland is a sub -applicant for the purposes of this proposal. Approximately 50 <br />percent of the trail alignment is located within the boundaries of Oakland, and City of Oakland <br />staff will play a key role in ensuring the consultation with Oakland stakeholders, providing <br />review and consultation with the consultant team and other project partners to ensure consistency <br />with City of Oakland planning priorities, and potential coordination of future trail construction <br />with other capital projects near the potential trail alignment. The City of Oakland will provide a <br />portion of the required matching funds through an in-kind contribution of planning services by <br />planner David Ralston, who has engaged extensively with community-based groups in this part <br />of the City, and has a pending request for $20,000 to analyze the feasibility of the Oakland <br />portion of the project. <br />Rails -to -Trails Conservancy <br />Rails -to -Trails Conservancy (RTC) is a sub -applicant for purposes of this proposal. RTC is a <br />501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose mission is to create a nationwide network of trails for <br />active living communities to help create healthier places for healthier people. A national leader <br />in the trail building movement for 28 years, RTC's Western Region office is based in San <br />Francisco and provides trail/bicycle/pedestrian policy information and trail development <br />technical assistance to communities throughout California. RTC draws on a national network of <br />trail managers and professional staff to develop successful strategies for trail planning, design <br />construction and maintenance. RTC specializes in community engagement, developing and <br />delivering community workshops, and participates in the development of trail feasibility studies <br />and master plans. RTC's Western Regional Office has developed many educational tools and <br />resources for communities including reports on how trails affect safety, crime, liability, and <br />property values. Barry Bergman, Western Region Manager of Trail Development, brings nearly <br />20 years of planning experience to the project and will serve as RTC's lead staff. Western <br />Region Director Laura Cohen will provide project oversight of RTC's work as well as expertise <br />in developing implementation strategies, particularly in terms of funding. <br />Planning/Engineering Consultants <br />Through the preparation of a Request for Proposals (RFP) and a competitive bid process, the <br />City of San Leandro, in coordination with the City of Oakland, RTC, and the San Leandro Creek <br />Alliance, will select one or a team of planning/engineering consultants with demonstrated <br />expertise in trail planning and design. This consultant will carry out most of the technical work <br />in this project, and will be primarily responsible for preparation of the draft and final reports, <br />with guidance from the key project partners. The consultant's deliverables will include <br />illustrations, plans, alternatives analysis, and design concepts (including photo simulations of the <br />proposed trail) developed through the input provided by stakeholders and review of site <br />opportunities and constraints. Recommended Trail alignment alternatives and phasing will be <br />identified and trail design standards will be provided. Conceptual designs will be developed to <br />demonstrate project feasibility. <br />Throughout this application, "Project Team" will be used to refer to the City of San Leandro, <br />City of Oakland, Rails -to -Trails Conservancy, and the Consultant. <br />2 <br />
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