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OVERALL PROJECT OBJECTIVES <br />Build on previously conducted analysis and community outreach efforts regarding the <br />development of a multi -use trail along San Leandro Creek as well as the long-term vision <br />of the restoration of the Creek. <br />■ Coordinate with the efforts of the National Park Service Rivers Trails and Conservation <br />Assistance (RTCA) staff, which has awarded a technical assistance grant to Friends of <br />San Leandro Creek to further the development of partnerships to support the Trail. <br />■ Broaden the existing partners to effectively educate and engage local residents, other <br />community-based stakeholders, with a special focus on outreach to disadvantaged <br />neighborhoods such as Columbia Gardens and Sobrante Park, as well as Estudillo <br />Estates, Bay -O -Vista and Sheffield Village; merchant and business groups such as the <br />Airport Area Business Association; and public agencies about the potential of the San <br />Leandro Creek Trail as a community resource. The location of the Trail offers a <br />particularly unique opportunity to link low-income residents directly to local employment <br />sites as well connections to the regional job market via improved transit system access. <br />■ Actively solicit participation from groups that represent disadvantaged community <br />groups in the neighborhoods along the San Leandro Creek corridor. The Project Team <br />has already engaged a number of social equity groups, such as City County <br />Neighborhood Initiative, Higher Ground Neighborhood Development Corporation, <br />Community Reform Church, and representatives of the Tribal community. <br />■ Identify and address real or perceived community concerns about the development of a <br />trail along San Leandro Creek, such as trail safety, impact on property values, crime and <br />liability. <br />■ Identify opportunities and constraints regarding the development of the San Leandro <br />Creek Trail as well as a planning -level assessment of costs for construction, operations, <br />and maintenance of the facility. This will include consideration of opportunities for <br />community-based stewardship. <br />■ Identify alignment options for the Trail including trailheads and access points to provide <br />connections to adjacent schools, parks, commercial centers and transit nodes. <br />■ Identify at -grade street crossing locations (e.g. Hegenberger Rd. and 98th Ave.), and <br />develop conceptual design treatments for facilitating crossings by trail users. <br />■ Evaluate key issues to be addressed for under -crossings at I-580Benedict Dr./MacArthur <br />Blvd., I-880, Bancroft Ave., East 14th St. (CA -185), San Leandro Blvd., BART, Alvarado <br />St., and Union Pacific tracks. <br />■ Develop general concepts for interpretive signage that reflects the history, culture and <br />ecology of San Leandro Creek; this will include consideration of best management <br />practices for addressing the concerns of the native Tribal community. <br />■ Develop recommended trail standards and sample cross-sections. <br />■ Develop a prioritized list of project segments and key milestones to be achieved as part of <br />an implementation strategy. <br />■ Consider the needs of watershed restoration, habitat, and flood control as part of the <br />preliminary planning and design process. <br />Task 1: Project Planning and Coordination <br />The project partners will work with government agencies, nearby businesses, schools, <br />neighborhood residents and other key stakeholders to identify key issues and gather physical <br />planning information related to the study area. <br />