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Task 1.1: Project Kickoff Meeting. To prepare for a kickoff meeting, the City of San <br />Leandro will enter into subcontracts with the City of Oakland and RTC. To kick off the <br />project, City of San Leandro staff will conduct a meeting with City of Oakland staff, RTC, <br />the San Leandro Creek Alliance and the Caltrans Project Manager to discuss the process, <br />expectations, roles, and responsibilities. The group will tour and photograph key locations <br />along the project corridor. <br />Responsible Party: City of San Leandro, City of Oakland, RTC <br />• Task 1.2: Project Team Coordination. The Project Team will hold monthly meetings with <br />Caltrans to provide status updates on the project and ensure that the project remains on <br />schedule and within budget. <br />Responsible Party: City of San Leandro <br />Task 1.3: Prepare RFP and Select Consultants. The City of San Leandro will provide <br />Caltrans with a copy of their procurement procedures to ensure compliance with grant <br />guidelines. The Project Team will prepare a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the selection <br />and hiring of a planning/engineering team with expertise in trail design, including <br />consideration for meeting or exceeding Caltrans' disadvantaged business enterprise goals. <br />The Project Team and other review panel members (including a representative of the San <br />Leandro Creek Alliance) will review proposals, conduct interviews as necessary, and select a <br />consultant. The City of San Leandro will contract with the selected Consultants. <br />Responsible Party: City of San Leandro, City of Oakland, RTC <br />Task 1.4: Data Collection and Analysis. Working with the Technical Advisory Committee, <br />the Consultant will identify, research, collect, organize and evaluate information for the study <br />area including demographic profile of the population in the vicinity of the corridor, relevant <br />traffic and accident data, the City of San Leandro and City of Oakland General Plans, and <br />other local and regional plans. <br />Responsible Party: Consultants <br />Task 1.5: Prepare Base Maps. The Consultant will coordinate with the City of San <br />Leandro, City of Oakland, and other key agencies to prepare base maps of the San Leandro <br />Creek corridor. The consultant may also prepare a series of physical analysis maps and <br />drawings at both macro and micro scales to assist in identifying design constraints and <br />opportunities. <br />Responsible Party: Consultants <br />Tasks <br />Deliverables <br />Task 1.1 <br />Agenda, lists of contacts, digital photos. <br />Task 1.2 <br />Notes summarizing meeting. <br />Task 1.3 <br />RFP, subcontracts. <br />Task 1.4 <br />With guidance from the Project Team, assemble and review relevant plans, <br />documentation collected through previous outreach. <br />Task 1.5 <br />Base maps, including property boundaries and ownership, existing public <br />access points, streets along the creek corridor, and initial creek bed and bank <br />location. <br />2 <br />