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H. All non-RG shall be removed from the property, as required in Section 3-6-200 et seq. of the <br /> San Leandro Municipal Code. All non-RG material shall be disposed at a permitted solid <br /> waste facility. Non-RG material shall not be stored longer than 7 days. eCullet shall <br /> propose a procedure for documenting the removal each work day from the premises of all <br /> non-RG material for approval by City of San Leandro Code enforcement. The City of San <br /> Leandro shall review and approve the procedure. Said approval shall not be unreasonably <br /> withheld. Once approved, eCullet shall implement and document implementation of the <br /> procedure. eCullet shall submit reports of said documentation on a quarterly basis. <br /> Quarterly reports shall be submitted no later than the 25th of the month immediately <br /> following the end of the quarter, with the first quarterly report submitted in July 2014. <br /> Reports shall be submitted electronically in a software and medium reasonably acceptable <br /> to the City. The quarterly reports shall include total inbound RGF tons, Non-RG tonnage <br /> taken to landfill and the solid waste facility name(s) and tons of CPRG sold. Landfill data <br /> shall be itemized per load by eCullet and may use documentation produced by the solid <br /> waste facility receiving the material. <br /> The storage location of RGF, CPRG and Non-RG material shall be designated on a floorplan <br /> of the building and a site plan for the facility operation. The floor plan shall specifically <br /> delineate the area for Non-RG storage and such delineation shall be marked within the <br /> building with permanent markings. The wall closest to the Non-RG storage area shall be <br /> permanently marked by a vertical scale at one foot increments such that an observer can <br /> easily estimae the height of the Non-RG pile from outside the designatdd area. The vertical <br /> scale shall he numbered and numbering shall be of a color and height`clearly visible to an <br /> observer outside the designated area. The site plan shall delineate the specific location and <br /> size of out-door CPRG storage. No terms other than RGF,Non-RG and CPRG shall be used <br /> for the designating material being processed at the facility. <br /> All Non-RG material transported from the facility shall be documented by eCullet. Said <br /> documentation may be in a form as provided by the solid waste facility receiving such <br /> material and as summarized by eCullet and reported to the appropriate responsible agencies <br /> including the City of San Leandro. eCullet shall also submit reports to the Alameda County <br /> Waste Management Authority as required, Documentation shall include the eCullet out- <br /> bound scale weight ticket,material, destination, and hauler. Separately, eCullet shall provide <br /> the weight ticket generated by the destination disposal facility. Temporary outdoor storage of <br /> CPRG materials is permitted for 7 days. Every working day, each bunker of CPRG shall be <br /> emptied out on a rolling basis. eCullet shall propose a procedure for documenting such <br /> emptying and removal activity from the premises of all CPRG for approval by City of San <br /> Leandro Code Enforcement. The City of San Leandro shall review and approve the <br /> procedure. Said approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. Once approved eCullet shall <br /> implement and document implementation of the procedure. <br /> J. No outdoor storage shall exceed 15 feet in height. No outdoor storage of CPRG shall be <br /> located within 15 feet of the rear or side property lines or perimeter fencing. Any and all <br /> storage of CPRG outside the building structure shall be enclosed on three sides and must be <br /> covered such that the cover completely and entirely covers the CPRG material with a heavy <br /> tarp system, except as follows: The covering may be temporarily removed when adding to <br /> the stored material or when loading out stored material. At no time shall CPRG stored out- <br /> Revised Agreement to Conditions June 26,2014 <br /> PLN2012-00001 Page 4 of 9 <br />