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2A Work Session 2015 0126
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Packet 2015 0126
2A Work Session 2015 0126
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File Number: 14-577 <br />only effective at roads in which cars travel at high speeds, and the speed limit in this area <br />is low; thus, this solution would not be effective. Therefore, no feasible mitigation <br />measures are available and this impact would be significant and unavoidable. <br />Transportation and Traffic <br />TRAF-2A. Significant. Although Mitigation Measures TRAF-2 would mitigate the impacts <br />related to the reduction of level of service to an acceptable level on the 1-880 northbound <br />segment north of Davis Street, the mitigation measures are not considered feasible due to <br />cost and right-of-way constraints associated with widening 1-880. Further, the effectiveness <br />of a shuttle service in reducing the number of Project trips cannot be adequately <br />quantified. As such, this impact would remain significant and unavoidable. <br />TRAF-213. Significant. Mitigation Measures TRAF-213.1 and TRAF-213.2 would involve <br />widening Doolittle Drive and providing shuttle service operating between the Project site <br />and key locations such as the San Leandro and Coliseum BART stations and Oakland <br />International Airport to reduce the V/C ratio (volume/capacity ratio) on the northbound <br />segment of Doolittle Drive, which would result in an acceptable Level Of Service (LOS) <br />under Year 2020 and 2035 conditions. While these measures would improve the level of <br />service and mitigate the impact to less than significant, feasibility of these measures is <br />uncertain due to right-of-way constraints along this corridor. Additionally, the shuttle <br />service, though likely to reduce impacts, could not be quantified. As such, this impact <br />would remain significant and unavoidable. <br />TRAF-713. Significant. Additional traffic associated with the Project would cause 1-880 <br />southbound ramps and Marina Boulevard (#14) to reduce to LOS E during both weekday <br />AM and Saturday peak hours under Near -Term Cumulative Conditions. While Mitigation <br />Measures TRAF-713.1 and TRAF-7B.2 would improve level of service at this intersection, <br />this ramp is under Caltrans jurisdiction; therefore, implementation and timing of these <br />mitigation measures would not be within the City's jurisdiction and the impact would remain <br />significant and unavoidable. <br />TRAF-7C. Significant. The Project would cause operations at the intersection of San <br />Leandro Boulevard and Marina Boulevard (#18) to reduce from LOS D to LOS E in the AM <br />peak hour and would add to the unacceptable LOS F in the PM peak hour and cause the <br />V/C ratio to increase by 0.07. While Mitigation Measures TRAF-7C.1 and TRAF-7C.2 are <br />identified in the Kaiser Permanente San Leandro Medical Center/Mixed Use Retail <br />Development Project EIR and would fully mitigate the Near -Term cumulative impact during <br />the AM and PM peak hours, the available right-of-way on the northbound approach would <br />not be sufficient to accommodate the two left -turn lanes, one through lane, and one shared <br />through -right turn lane, as well as a bike lane. Therefore, this impact would remain <br />significant and unavoidable. <br />TRAF-71. Significant. The Project would case the operations at the intersection of 1-880 <br />southbound ramps and Marina Boulevard (#14) to reduce from LOS D to LOS E in the AM <br />peak hour; and would reduce the level of service from LOS E to LOS F in the weekday PM <br />and Saturday peak hours and cause the V/C ratios to increase by 0.10 during both <br />periods, which is higher than the 0.05 allowed by the City. While Mitigation Measure <br />TRAF-71 would lessen impacts, this ramp intersection is under Caltrans jurisdiction and the <br />implementation and timing of this mitigation measure are not under City control. As such, <br />this impact would remain significant and unavoidable. <br />TRAF-7J. Significant. The Project would add to the Long -Term Cumulative No Project <br />City of San Leandro Page 5 Printed on 1120/2015 <br />
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