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 Chapter 6: Alternatives to the Project. Considers alternatives to the Project, including the CEQA- <br />required “No Project” alternative, a Relocated Hotel Alternative, and a Reduced Density/Intensity <br />Alternative. <br /> Chapter 7: CEQA-Mandated Sections. Discusses growth inducement, cumulative impacts, and <br />significant irreversible changes as a result of the Project. <br /> Chapter 8: Organizations and Persons Consulted. Lists the people and organizations that were <br />contacted during the preparation of this EIR for the Project. <br /> Appendices: The appendices for this document contain the following supporting documents: <br /> Appendix A: Notice of Preparation and Notice of Preparation Comments Letters <br /> Appendix B: Urban Decay Analysis <br /> Appendix C: Shade/Shadow Diagrams <br /> Appendix D: Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Background and Modeling Data <br /> Appendix E: Health Risk Assessment <br /> Appendix F: San Leandro Marina Opportunities and Constraints Analysis <br /> Appendix G: Noise Monitoring Data <br /> Appendix H: Transportation Impact Study <br /> Appendix I: Water Supply Assessment (WSA) Request and WSA <br />1.1.2 TYPE AND PURPOSE OF THIS DRAFT EIR <br />According to Section 15121(a) of the CEQA Guidelines, the purpose of an EIR is to: <br />Inform public agency decision makers and the public generally of the significant environmental effects <br />of a project, identify possible ways to minimize the significant effects, and describe reasonable <br />alternatives to the project. <br />As described in the CEQA Guidelines, different types of EIRs are used for varying situations and intended <br />uses. Given the permitting and development actions that are related both geographically and as logical <br />parts in the chain of contemplated actions for implementation, this Draft EIR has been prepared as a <br />Project EIR, pursuant to Section 15161 of the CEQA Guidelines. As a Project EIR, the environmental <br />analysis will focus primarily on the changes in the environment that would result from the development of <br />The San Leandro Shoreline Development Project. This Project EIR will examine the specific short-term <br />impacts (construction) and long-term impacts (operation) that would occur as a result of Project approval <br />by the City of San Leandro City Council. <br />1.2 SUMMARY OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT <br />As a part of a public/private partnership, the City of San Leandro and Cal Coast Companies LLC propose to <br />redevelop the 52-acre site land area (owned by the City) and 23-acre water area (owned by the City), <br />which encompasses the San Leandro Marina and surrounding properties, with residential, commercial, <br />and public recreational uses. Implementation of the Project would involve the removal of many of the <br />structures on the site including the existing El Torito restaurant building, the Mulford Branch Library <br />building, and the San Leandro Yacht Club building. Although direction from the San Leandro City Council