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Reso 2015-125
City Clerk
City Council
Reso 2015-125
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7/30/2015 5:44:18 PM
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7/30/2015 4:41:13 PM
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4A Public Hearing 2015 0720
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to staff is to maintain the existing San Leandro Marina for as long as financially feasible, for the purpose of <br />the environmental analysis, it is being assumed that the harbor masters office, fuel pump/dock, and the <br />462 existing boat slips in the harbor basin would eventually be removed by the City at such time as safe <br />and navigable boating operations cease to exist. Additionally, five of the tees/holes on the nine-hole <br />Marina Golf Course would need to be reconfigured in order to accommodate the housing that is proposed <br />to be built on the grounds of the course; however, no tees/holes would be removed as part of the Project. <br />The existing Marina Inn building and the Horatio’s restaurant building on the site would remain a part of <br />the Project area. <br />New features on the site as a result of the Project include an approximately 150,000-square-foot office <br />campus, a new 200-room hotel, an approximately 15,000-square-foot conference center, 354 housing <br />units, 3 new restaurants totaling approximately 21,000 square feet, and a new parking structure. To <br />accommodate this growth a variety of public amenities would be installed. Some of these amenities <br />include a new approximately 2,500-square-foot community library/community meeting space, an aquatic <br />center/dock, bocce ball courts, outdoor recreational areas, picnic areas, a perched beach, pedestrian <br />piers, two miles of public promenade, a natural shoreline element along the interior of the harbor basin, a <br />pedestrian/bicycle bridge, a boardwalk/lookout pier, several small finger piers, and refurbishment of <br />existing public restrooms on site. Additionally, with implementation of the Project and removal of the <br />existing boat slips, the harbor would only be open to non-motorized watercraft. For this reason, the <br />Project includes the construction of a small boat launch, a kayak storage building, and an aeration <br />fountain in the harbor basin to aide in water circulation. <br />1.3 SUMMARY OF PROJECT ALTERNATIVES <br />This Draft EIR analyzes alternatives to the Project that are designed to reduce the significant <br />environmental impacts of the Project and feasibly attain most of the Project objectives. There is no set <br />methodology for comparing the alternatives or determining the environmentally superior alternative <br />under CEQA. Identification of the environmentally superior alternative involves weighing and balancing all <br />of the environmental resource areas by the City. The following alternatives to the Project were considered <br />and analyzed in detail: <br /> No Project <br /> Relocated Hotel Alternative <br /> Reduced Density/Intensity Alternative <br />Chapter 6, Alternatives to the Project, includes a complete discussion of these alternatives and of <br />alternatives that were rejected for various reasons. <br />1.3.1 NO PROJECT ALTERNATIVE <br />Consistent with Section 15126.6 (e) (2) of the CEQA Guidelines, under the No Project Alternative, the <br />Project site would remain in its existing condition. Although existing land use designations and zoning <br />would allow for some future development under existing conditions, under this alternative, the Project <br />site would not be further developed. Further, improvements proposed by the Project, such as removing <br />the marina infrastructure, adding new housing units, new restaurants, commercial and retail uses, a new
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