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File Number: 15-334 <br />streets operate safely and efficiently. <br />Environmental Review <br />This project is categorically exempt from CEQA per Section 15301(c) - Existing Facilities. A <br />NEPA Categorical Exemption for this project was approved by Caltrans Local Assistance on <br />January 12, 2015. <br />Summary of Public Outreach Efforts <br />The contractor will distribute flyers to properties along the street and post changeable <br />message signs on the road a week before work commences informing the public of the <br />schedule for the work. <br />This project was posted on the City's website and advertised in the Daily Review as well as <br />three other newspapers whose circulation reflects the diversity of San Leandro on May 14, <br />2015. Notification of this bid opportunity was also sent to local Builder's Exchanges as well as <br />contractors who registered with the City to be informed of bidding opportunities. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />Total project costs are anticipated to be $1,596,000.00 including design, construction <br />management, inspection, and construction contingencies. <br />Budqet Authority <br />This project is funded by the following existing appropriations: <br />1) $743,493.00 from Measure B Streets and Roads in account No. 144-38-350 <br />appropriated as part of the 2013-14 budget. <br />2) $804,507.00 from a One Bay Area Grant in Account No. 150-38-350 appropriated as <br />part of the 2013-14 CIP budget. <br />3) $20,000.00 from the Water Pollution Control Plant Fund in Account No. 595-52-264 <br />appropriated by a budget adjustment to be used for sewer line work as part of the <br />project. <br />Additional funding for this project will be appropriated by this action as follows: <br />• $28,000.00 from the Developer Fees for Street Improvements (DFSI) fund balance will <br />be appropriated to Account No. 120-38-350 <br />ATTACHMENT(S) <br />Attachment(s) to Staff Report <br />Bid summary <br />PREPARED BY: Nick Thom, Acting City Engineer, Engineering and Transportation <br />Department <br />City of San Leandro Page 3 Printed on 712112015 <br />