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File Number: 15-556 <br />Joaquin Plaza was selected for the Exploratorium installation because it provides an <br />opportunity to activate a centrally -located public space in Downtown San Leandro. The plaza <br />already includes successful use of outdoor dining; however, additional space remains that <br />could be used as a gathering place for the community. This project will build on the ongoing <br />efforts of the San Leandro Improvement Association (SLIA) to activate and beautify <br />Downtown San Leandro. The SLIA's work so far has included the installation of additional <br />outdoor tables and chairs and new planters and flower pots. <br />During the conceptual design phase, City staff worked with a team from the Exploratorium that <br />included architects, landscape architects, and engineers to come up with a concept that works <br />well for this particular public space. The team agreed on a musical concept that allows <br />participants to create musical tones by interacting with steel "tuning forks" that will be tuned to <br />specific pitches. Particular attention will be paid to creating an installation that is audible <br />enough to be heard in the plaza, but not so loud that it negatively impacts local businesses or <br />visitors. The concept also includes fixed seating, ensuring that the plaza will remain an inviting <br />public space, even for those who do not opt to interact with the exhibit. <br />The Exploratorium is committed to creating interactive installations based on scientific and/or <br />educational components. The Exploratorium has completed comparable public space <br />installations in San Francisco and Emeryville and is currently working with other cities in <br />addition to San Leandro. <br />Per the grant agreement, the City is authorized to use its grant award to rehabilitate two of its <br />community parks, Siempre Verde and Thrasher Park, and to create a science -based <br />innovative and interactive Exploratorium art exhibit at Joaquin Plaza in Downtown San <br />Leandro. <br />The next phase of the project will involve finalizing the design and constructing and installing <br />the installation. The project is expected to be completed in Spring, 2016. The expenditure <br />deadline for all awarded Parks Program Grant funds is June 30, 2016. <br />Exploratorium staff brought a prototype to the 2015 Cherry Festival to witness and learn from <br />people's interaction with the prototype. Staff presented and discussed the preliminary project <br />designs with the City Council Facilities and Transportation Committee, the Downtown SLIA, <br />and the San Leandro Downtown Association; positive feedback was received. Staff also plans <br />to hold a meeting with businesses adjacent to Joaquin Plaza in an effort to field questions and <br />concerns and receive feedback and suggestions, prior to finalizing the design. <br />Previous Actions <br />• On January 6, 2014, the City Council adopted Resolution 2013-581 authorizing the City <br />Manager to submit an application for State of California Department of Housing and <br />Community Development's Housing -Related Parks Program Grant Funds <br />• On October 14, 2014, the City and the Exploratorium entered into a Consulting <br />Services Agreement for the development of an initial concept design document, to <br />include elements necessary to move forward with the design development phase. <br />City of San Leandro Page 2 Printed on 9/29/2015 <br />