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16.00-16.99 yrs of service 24.00/192 <br /> 17.00-17.99 yrs of service 24.75/198 <br /> 18.00 or more yrs of service 25.00/200 <br /> Accrual rates change in the pay period in which the employee's anniversary date falls. <br /> Employees shall be allowed to sell up to 100 hours of vacation per year. Time may be sold <br /> twice annually in June and December. <br /> Section 8. Sick Leave and Call-In <br /> The object of this section is to provide orderly methods of furthering the health and safety of each <br /> employee as well as aiding in the maintenance of productivity. <br /> Sick leave, under this rule, is not a right which an employee can use at his/her discretion, but a <br /> privilege which can be allowed only in cases of actual sickness or injury of such employee or of a <br /> member of his/her immediate family which compels an employee to be absent from work. <br /> a. Call-In: To qualify for paid sick leave, an employee must notify his/her supervisor as soon as <br /> possible after the beginning of the work day, but no later than thirty (30) minutes after the start <br /> of the work day. Waiver of the foregoing reporting requirement can be made by the department <br /> head only in specified and unusual circumstances. Absence for illness may not be charged to <br /> sick leave not already accumulated. <br /> In instances when an employee cannot report for work on a scheduled work day, such employee <br /> shall comply with call-in rules established by the department head for the work unit in which <br /> the employee works. <br /> b. Accrual: An employee holding a full-time position with probationary or permanent status may <br /> be allowed a leave of absence from duty without loss of salary on account of sickness or injury. <br /> Sick leave with pay is cumulative at the rate of eight (8) hours for each full calendar month of <br /> service beginning the first of the calendar month following full-time probationary employment. <br /> Employees whose full-time probationary employment begins on the first work day of the month <br /> shall accrue sick leave upon completion of that month. Unused sick leave may be accumulated <br /> to a total of two thousand(2000)hours. <br /> In the event employee absences from duty are deemed by the City Manager to be the result of <br /> concerted activity, any employee claiming sick leave with pay shall be required to provide a <br /> doctor's certificate stating the nature of the sickness or injury, the name and signature of the <br /> attending physician, the time and date the employee was examined by the physician, and a <br /> certification that the disability was of such severity as to prevent the employee from performing <br /> the job. The City Manager may also require that the evidence submitted by the employee by <br /> reviewed by a physician selected by the City and may require a physical examination by such <br /> physician at the City's expense. In those instances where the City Manager requires that this <br /> procedure be followed, it is understood that the burden of proof to qualify for sick leave with <br /> pay is placed upon the employee. <br /> Sick leave shall not be granted to an employee who is absent from duty due to illness or injury <br /> incurred while self-employed or working for an employer other than the City of San Leandro. <br /> 8 <br />