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General Plan Addendum * August 26, 2016 Page 8 <br />Page 4-73 Edit Action T-7.2.A as follows (Bike East Bay) <br /> <br />Action T-7.2.A: Collision Accident Data Collection and Remediation <br />Collect and evaluate collision data on the top collision accident locations <br />in San Leandro, including separate tracking of collisions accidents <br />involving bicycles and pedestrians. Develop measures to reduce the <br />number of collisions at these locations. <br /> <br />Page 5-19 Add new sentence to top of Page 5-19 as follows (Council, Lopez/Lee) <br /> <br /> Technology can also be used to advance other aspects of the quality of life <br />in the city, including transportation, cultural arts, health care, energy, <br />public safety, and education. In the coming years, San Leandro will <br />explore and promote “smart city” applications which use Lit San Leandro <br />to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of quality of life-related <br />susyems and networks. The City’s industrial areas present <br />opportunities… <br /> <br />Page 5-32 Replace Actions ED-3.4.B, 3.4.C, and 3.4.D with a new action as follows <br />(Council, Lopez/Lee): <br /> <br /> Action ED-3.4.B: Smart City Action Strategy <br />Develop a “Smart City Action Strategy” or similar strategic planning <br />document which identifies opportunities to use the Lit San Leandro fiber <br />network to improve local energy, utility, transportation, safety, <br />environmental, educational, health care, and governance systems. The <br />Strategy should include: <br />Action ED-3.4.B: Lit San Leandro Marketing <br />Develop and implement (a) a marketing strategy for Lit San Leandro, <br />including identification of target markets, key messages, and specific <br />activities to reach potential customers. <br />Action ED-3.4.C: Fiber Optics Service Delivery <br />(b) Guidance for Continue to refine the license agreements, <br />Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs), and operating procedures <br />governing the delivery of fiber optics services to San Leandro properties <br />to ensure maximum operating efficiency. <br />Action ED-3.4.D: Commercial Broadband Strategy <br />(c) An update Implement the recommendations of the City’s Commercial <br />Broadband Strategy, including further exploration of extension <br />requirements linked to new development approvals and an open trench <br />policy which calls for installing conduit when any time a street cut is <br />made.