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City of San Leandro <br />Sewer System Management Plan <br />Volume I <br />entering a storm drain or other channel, contacting the Collections System Maintenance <br />Supervisor, calling additional help if needed, photographing the site, clearing the blockage, and <br />making regulatory notifications if required. <br />The Collections supervisor and Collections workers are each furnished with a City -financed cell <br />phone. Additionally, there are four line -of -sight radios available for use when there are <br />communications issues or during events where crews need radio communications such as <br />confined space entries or main line cleaning and televising. <br />WPCD Sewage Overflow Notification Procedure <br />• Report all spills to a supervisor <br />• Contain the spill <br />• Determine the overflow volume and impact <br />• If volume is more than 1000 gallons, or if overflow reaches water of the state, start the two- <br />hour notification procedure <br />Page 17 <br />