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10A Action Item 2017 0306
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10A Action Item 2017 0306
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File Number: 17-078 <br />efforts on working with the FAA to address these impacts and find solutions. A special <br />Metroplex Sub-Committee was established and Councilmember Lee and a part-time City <br />staffer serve as members of the Sub-Committee. After several months of careful study and <br />research, the Sub-Committee produced a lengthy set of specific proposals, as requested by <br />the FAA, that should be studied and considered to provide relief to impacted communities. <br />The Noise Forum approved the Supplemental Proposals to Revising the Northern California <br />Metroplex for Alameda County/Contra Costa County (Supplemental Proposals), a copy of <br />which is attached to the Resolution. The Supplemental Proposals will be sent to the FAA <br />along with a request that the Noise Forum be closely involved in the FAA’s review and study. <br />A summary or the Supplemental Proposals as they relate to San Leandro follows: <br />·Eliminate the new WNDSR TWO flight track (which runs along the east bay hills) and <br />consider options to relocate this navigation route to another location that allows for <br />geographically shorter flight paths and quiet, fuel efficient optimized descents into and <br />out of OAK and SFO. Alternatives have been recommended. <br />·Add additional eastward flight tracks (to COSMC and HYPEE) and vector flight traffic <br />(along TRUKN) to better echo and restore historical dispersal of SFO departing flights <br />to reduce concentration of flights over San Leandro and other East Bay neighborhoods. <br />Staff recommends that the City Council adopt a Resolution in support of the Supplemental <br />Proposals. <br />Additionally, there are a number of House Resolutions (HR) before the House of <br />Representatives, and a Senate Bill (SB) before the United States Senate that aim to address <br />aviation concerns throughout the nation. These are: <br />·HR 3384 calls for reestablishing the Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Noise <br />Abatement and Control, also called the “Quiet Communities Act.” The Office would, <br />among other actions, carry out a national noise control program and carry out a study <br />of airport noise. <br />·HR 3965, also called the "Community Accountability Act," would direct the <br />Administrator of the FAA to improve the process for establishing and revising flight <br />paths and procedures to limit the negative impacts on the human environment in the <br />vicinity of airports. <br />·HR 5057, also called the "Airplane Impacts Mitigation Act," would require the <br />Administrator of the FAA to commission a study of the health impacts of airplane flights <br />on affected residents of certain metropolitan areas, including the San Francisco Bay <br />Area. <br />·SB 2761, also called the "FAA Community Accountability Act," would require the <br />Administrator of the FAA to take actions to limit the impacts on the human environment <br />in the vicinity of affected airports resulting from the implementation of Metroplex. It <br />would also require the Administrator of the FAA to appoint a FAA Community <br />Ombudsman in each FAA region to liaise with affected communities regarding effects <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 2/28/2017 <br />186
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